Chapter 3

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Its been 3 days since the attack, alya woke up the next day very weak. she was still in the hospital wing, forced to bed rest for one more week max. she was rarely alone other than class times. her brothers and her friends would all take turns visiting her. Sirius has been missing his meals so that he can sit with her, both the siblings eating in the wing after getting permission from madam pomfrey. Sirius even stayed all night for two days after alya insisted he gets some proper sleep in his bed. he still stayed until curfew.

Remus was making his way to the hospital wing, tonight was a full moon. he decided to rest in the hospital rather than his dorms like he usually does so that he can have alya's company and she can have his. He was feeling drowsy, all he wanted to do was sleep. It was 2 pm, he entered the room and searched for the raven head. quickly made towards her bed.

"hey al, I brought you strawberry cake, they were out of vanilla. I promise i'll bring van.... hey what's wrong? why are you crying?" he put the cake on her bedside table, quickly getting worried over the sight of crying girl and sat next to her. she didn't say anything and just sobbed even harder. he didn't force her anymore but then she handed him a letter. he quickly recognized the black family stamp, he opened the letter.

Just one line.

"that should teach her for trying to be superior than a man"


he quickly understood the situation, remembering what Minerva said about sending their mother a letter informing her about the duel. this was her reply.

he quickly rapped his arms around the girl and she cried into his shirt, he didn't mind his shirt getting wet and just rubbed her back.

"I know i'm stupid to e-expect her to be wo-worried, it's selfish that I have you all and i'm wanting more, b-but I-I just.... wish she sh-showed a little affection . she's my.... mother." she said between sobs.

he cupped her face in his hands, making her look at him.

"hey listen to me, you shouldn't feel stupid or-or selfish for wanting something you deserve. she doesn't deserve a daughter like you. it hurts, god it hurts so much but we don't waste our tears over people like that. I promise you it'll get better. you'll have the family you deserve and will never feel alone. And she'll be the one regretting everything she did to you, or didn't do for you. it's ok to cry, it only shows that you are strong enough too feel these emotions. come on, i'll help you recover, mentally and physically. now you have to eat that cake because I can't help myself anymore" alya chuckled to this. she was happy for having someone to talk to.

remus tried to lighten up her mood as they ate the cake, making her laugh by telling stories about his childhood and the marauders.

she soon fell asleep while leaning on his shoulders, he didn't move so she can finally sleep. After 10 minutes his drowsiness took over him and he fell asleep.

that's how james and lily found them an hour later when they came to see them. remus' arm protectively wrapped around alya's peaceful body.

James took out his camera from his bag and clicked a picture.

"this'll be for their wedding" he winked at lily who just shook her head and laughed.


today was the day alya finally gets to go back to her dorm room, with strict orders of bed rest to heal her sore body. she had enough sweets to last till the summer vacations even if Sirius decided to raid it, all thanks to her visitors.

Alya Black| Remus lupin Where stories live. Discover now