I miss you (AT)

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Warning: none just some cute fluff

WC: 548

both age's in this imagine: 16


it had just hit midnight and I yet couldn't sleep, I have just come back from a one-week holiday I had with my parents and I really missed my boyfriend.

I tried change into so many positions that I lost count of them. I looked at the clock that read 12:07 in big red numbers and huffed.

'he might be awake' i thought to myself

'but what if he's not'

'i don't want to wake him up'

'but yet again I miss him soooo much'

I looked at my phone which was on my nightstand 'im going to text him'

My addiction 💕🍃

Me: hey baby you awake

Addiction💕🍃: yea but why are you awake?

Me: can't sleep :(

Addiction💕🍃: why's that

Addiction💕🍃: did you have a bad dream

Addiction💕🍃: do I need to kill someone

Me: ashtray no 😂

Addiction💕🍃: what's wrong then

Me: it's stupid but I miss you that's all

Addiction💕🍃: miss you too pretty girl

Me: I literally cant wait to see you tomorrow

Addiction💕🍃: what you gonna do when you see me 😏

Me: first im going to hug you then I'm going to give you a long deep passionate kiss

Addiction💕🍃: now I really cant wait to see you

Me: ugh I know

Addiction💕🍃: it's okay angel I'll see you real soon

Me: I hope so
Me: okay baby I'll try to sleep now good night

Addiction💕🍃: good night love you❤️

Me: Love you more !!


I put my phone away and tried sleeping again.

10 minutes later I still haven't slept nor am I close to sleeping. I heard a tap on my window but ignored it thinking it was probably a tree branch but then I heard someone knocking on my window.

I quickly got up and moved my curtains aside only to see my, my boyfriend, on the other side of the window.

"Quick come in it's freezing outside," I said opening the window letting him in, "what are you doing here," I asked closing the window.

As soon as I faced him he smashed his lips on mine.

Fuck I missed this.

I kissed back pulling him closer to me "I missed you so much" I mumbled "me too" He smiled pulling away.

"Dose fez know you're here," I asked and he nodded "I can't believe you climbed the tree" I giggled "what can I say I missed my girl" he smiled.

oh god his dimples!!

"Your crazy" I smiled hugging him never wanting to let go.

"Can you spend the night here please" I asked and he looked at me unsure "please" I gave him my famous puppy dog eyes which I knew he couldn't resist.

"Fine" he smiled and I quietly squealed oping my closet door handing him some sweatpants and a hoodie that I stole from him.

"come on" I got in my queen-sized bed and patted the place next to me.

He chuckled at my happiness and got in bed pulling me closer to him. I snuggled my face in the crook of his neck placing a few kisses there.

"I love you" I mumbled "love you more..good night," he said kissing my temple "good night" I smiled pecking his lips.




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Ashtray and Javon Walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now