mad (JW)

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WC: 280

Your ages in this imagine: your choice 


I was sitting on the couch watching tv with Javon my boyfriend. 

Javon and I had a fight and no he keeps glancing at me but not saying anything. 

Usually, Javon and I sit closer together and might even cuddle but not this time. 

He looked at me one last time before saying something, he could tell I was upset. 

"I'm sorry" he apologized with his gaze still on me "I'm sorry for being a dick" he apologized again "baby I'm sorry". 

I couldn't help but want to forgive him, I blame it on his eyes, goddamnit those stupide cute puppy eyes. 

"I cant go a long period without touching you..please come here" he said. 

I was still mad at him but not enough to decline what he asked for, I always love being around him no matter what. 

I came closer to him and soon he intertwined our hands together, he picked me up and placed me on him. 

He is so cute 

'Remember Y/n your still mad at him' I reminded myself

"I'm still mad at you, you know" I said and he sighed "yea" he placed his arms on my waist "I love you so much, please forgive me, I cant bare knowing that you hate me" he said. 

I raised my head to look at him and I could see his eyes full of sadness and guilt "I don't hate you...I could never" I said and he smiled. 

I cupped his cheek and he kissed me making us both smile. 

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Q: what do yall think Y/n was mad at Javon for?? 

Ashtray and Javon Walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now