lock your door (JW)

5.2K 48 7

WC: 472 

Your ages in this imagine: 17

Requested by:  @LiaQuinnYT  


-Javon's pov-

Right now I was answering the web's most searched question about Javon Walton.. me.

And it was so much fun.

"All right one last question where are you going to this interview" One of the cast members asked and I happily reply "to my girlfriend's house"

I got in my car and drove to the Holland's house. I rang the doorbell and Mrs. Holland let me in.

I said hello to her family and went upstairs to her room, I knocked on the door and go to in. Y/n was on her bed with Tessa her dog on her lap.

As soon as Tessa noticed me she came running toward me.

"Hey girl how are you I played with her, she started jumping and locking my face "Tessa no!" Y/n helped me up and I hugged her "hey baby"

" I miss you," she said and I smile "I miss you more beautiful" We sat on her bed and I started telling her about my day when Tessa came back in and sat on my lap licking my face wanting my attention.

"Excuse me girl that's my boyfriend," Y/n said lightly pushing her away but she barked scaring both of us. Y/n called for her brother paddy and asked him to take Tessa away.

"looks like Tessa likes you more than me" Y/n pouted and I pulled her in for a kiss.

She sat on my lap and I smiled deepening the kiss.

The kiss soon turned into a hot makeout session, but before anything more could happen the holland twins came in "Y/n Sam and i-ahhhh" harry yelled "my eyes no no" Sam said running downstairs.

Y/n and I looked at each other and burst into fit laughter.

We went down and tom asked what happened laughing at his twin brothers.

"they just walked in on us making out" Y/n told her brother "there are locks for something!" harry yelled and we laughed "why were you guys even kissing for your like 12!" Sam said.

"were 17!!" Y/n laughed "wait Y/n didn't you say your period is late" her mom winked and we got it.

"mhmm so?" she nodded and her father, brothers and Harrison's eyes widened "WHAT!?"

"you guys did not do the deed at this age, there is no fuckin way" paddy said and we both shrugged "Y/n really wanted a baby and since you guys won't give her one I decided to give her one" I said.

"mate you better be joking" all 4 of her brothers walked up to me "we're joking, were joking!!" Y/n quickly said and they sighed in relief.

"god you almost gave me a heart attack" Dominic said "Nah don't worry we're not pregnant now but maybe later" I said and Y/n's cheeks went red.




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Q: who do you think is the closest holland to Y/n and why?

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