tutor pt.3 (JW)

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WC: 720

your ages in this imagine: 15-16


I did my hair and decided to bring my clothes and makeup with me to the Walton's

"Okay guys this is the last equation for today" I told them getting up "but it's still 7" they said. "Yea I know but I actually have somewhere to go" I told them "Can I change in your bathroom" I asked and they nodded.

-Jaden's pov-

Y/n was in the bathroom for about 20 minutes and I asked her if she was alright "yup just give me a minute" she said.

The door opened and Y/n came out looking all nice, it's not that she's not pretty but you don't every day you see Y/n dress up in these kinds of outfits. she took her hair out of her messy bun and into a ponytail.

and if im not wrong she applied a very light makeup but it looked nice.

this was your outfit: 

"And where are you going missy" I asked "are you going on a date with Thompson, is that why he was talking to you earlier" Javon said annoyed surprising both of us

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"And where are you going missy" I asked "are you going on a date with Thompson, is that why he was talking to you earlier" Javon said annoyed surprising both of us.

"Um no I'm not going on a date but to the party at his house" she said and Javon looked rolled his eyes.

"Anyways good job today. Byeee" she said leaving.

Mom called us for dinner, Jayla and I kept talking about our next competition while Javon just ate in silence.

"Dude you okay" Jayla asked and he hummed "you sure" "yea im fine" he shoved the piece of pasta in his mouth. 

"you don't look fine" "GOD I said I'm fine!" He yelled dropping his fork "Javon don't yell at the table" my mom said and he left.

"What's wrong with him" Jayla asked " Thompson asked Y/n to go to a party he's hosting and she agreed, she wore a nice outfit, did her hair, she even wore little makeup" I told her "Y/n...Y/n Y/l/n did all that" "yes I know we were both shocked too".

"Javon has a crush on Y/n" Daelo grinned.

"Looks like your brother is just jealous" my dad chuckled "you know you've been doing good at school and I don't really want Y/n to go to the party alone" my mom started "are you saying what I think you're saying" I grinned "you can go to the party" my mom said I kissed her cheek "thank you thank you thank you".

I ran up and told Javon who quickly ran down and thanked my mom.

"You Jayla can you drive us?" I yelled "Sure I'll start the car" she yelled back. Javon and I quickly changed and got into the car sending Jayla the location.

15 minutes later we reached his house and hot in "Javon Jaden you came!" Jacob said then told everyone who cheered.

-Javon's pov-

I got in and sat on the couches examining the room trying to spot Y/n which I did, she was dancing with Thompson there body so close making my blood boil.

We decided to play spin the bottle and everyone got in a circle, 5 people later it was my turn, I spun the bottle taking a quick glance around. 

Mostly every girl had hope in her eyes except for Y/n who was texting someone.

And the bottle stopped on Y/n.

Wow really!!

The whole circle quieted down "Y/n" Jaden spoke and she looked up from her phone and noticed everyone watching her "why are y'all staring at me" she asked worried that she might have done something wrong.

"The bottle stopped at you and now Javon has to kiss you" he explained and her eyes widened, she was about to say something but heather spoke.

Heather is the school popular girl.

"Eww what no" she said "Javon can't kiss someone like Y/l/n she's a nerd and just look at her not even a 0 maybe -1" everyone started laughing and I could see Y/n tear up "you can have the kiss if you want, I don't care" Y/n said walking away.

I was about to go after her but Alex did it first. Heather grabbed the bottle and continued the game. I looked outside and saw Thompson hugging her.

That's supposed to be me comforting her not him.




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Q: by far is the story good? do you want a part 4?

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