sick (AT)

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WC: 220 

your ages in this story: 15


I was on my way to the station with ashtray's favorite soup and snacks.

Fez told me that ash wasn't feeling well and so I decided to go see him. I got in and said hi to fez and Faye the knocked on ash's door.

"Go away" I heard my boyfriend's groggy voice "ash it's me" I opened the door "hey baby" he sat up.

"Aww, baby how you" I cooed pulling him into a hug "Im tired" "aww baby you look tired, did you check your temperature," I ask and he shook his head.

I checked his temperature and he had a fever a very high one so I made him drink some chicken soup and gave him some medicine.

Thankfully after 30 minutes, his temperature went down. "Do you need anything else Amor" he shook his head.

"No wait how about cuddles," he said and I smiled getting in bed with him. He came over to me and rested his head on my chest hugging me.

"You know I might get sick for being too close to you" I said giving him head scratches "but you love me" he mumbled, "I love you so fucking much".




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Q: did yall ever fake being sick and got away with it? if yes comment the story!! 

Ashtray and Javon Walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now