my boyfriend doesn't love me (JW)

15.7K 144 22

warning: prank

WC: 1053

both age's in this imagine: 16

AN: im sorry if this is bad I wrote it on my way to school 😂


I was spending the day with my second family the Waltons.

Javon, Jaden, and I were best friends for as long as I remember that until last year when Javon and I accidentally found out we shared the same feelings.

"okay baby Walton that's enough playing for me" I laughed flopping next to Javon on the couch "one more round yn pleaseee," Daelo said pulling my arms "you said that 3 rounds ago," I chuckled.

"Daelo you've been playing with my girlfriend the whole day now it's my turn to have her," Javon said pulling me closer to him.

"that's not fair" Daelo pouted sitting next to his father "hey yn do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow," Jayla asked "Ummm OF COURSE who's going to say no to shopping," I said and she laughed "you're my twin" "duhh" I winking at her.

after a while I got bored and decided to start a live on Instagram, quickly thousands of people joined.

people didn't just join because I was Javon's girlfriend but because I'm a famous actress too, you must have seen my latest movie ghostbusters I played the character phoebe but I was most known for my role in stranger things, I played eleven and my role in the originals as hope mikaelson.

anyways back to my live, I was sitting in the kitchen answering my fan's questions, when Javon came and gave me a peck on the lips.

he stood behind me while watching the game from the tv his arms still on my shoulders.

like this.

I accepted one fan's request to join the live with me and she was very excited "hello my name is veronica and im a huge fan of yours, I love your work and acting so much" she said putting a smile on my face

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I accepted one fan's request to join the live with me and she was very excited "hello my name is veronica and im a huge fan of yours, I love your work and acting so much" she said putting a smile on my face.

"aww thank you so much your so sweet," "so my question for you is about your next movie with Jumanji 3" she started "all we know is that your halfway through filling and I was wondering how is it going".

"Actually it's going great, the cast was so nice and welcoming. filming with them did not feel like a job but more as a reward, because I mean come on they are huge people in the filming industries and I can't wait for you to see the movie," I told her and she was happy to hear that.

I then choose another fan and this one was a boy this time "hey yn im so happy that you chose me because I have a very important question to ask" he said, "oooh im so excited..." I waited for him to tell me his name "zack"

"so we all see how funny Dwayne and Kevin are on tv, are they really that fun in real life" he asked "nice question and yes they are, I could even say that they are more fun off-camera especially when they collab with jack black for a prank" I laughed as the memories replayed in my head.

"what about nick jones," he asked, "oh nick is so kind, I even got to meet his beautiful wife, Priyanka Chopra, and daughter!!!" "wait you met their daughter can we get her name," he said and I shook my head "sorry buddy that's for nick to reveal"

I did a couple more fans and then started reading the comments, one, in particular, caught my eye

yn.fan342: prank Javon and say 'my boyfriend doesn't love me' and see his reaction.

"okay guy Javon is coming back with some snacks in a couple of minutes so when he does ill do this prank on him," I said and the fans went wild.

when Javon came I let a couple of minutes pass before starting the prank "does your boyfriend love you" I muttered not so loud but loud enough for him to hear it.

"oh no I don't think my boyfriend loves me" I answered and I could feel Javon staring at me.

I looked at him "you good" I asked and looked back at the camera, he placed his hands on my neck lightly forcing my face to meet his "what do mean I don't think my boyfriend loves me" he mimicked.

"who kissed you just a seconds before," he asked "you"

"who did you cuddled with this afternoon"

"you" I answered

"who had just brought you your favorite snacks"

"you" I smiled

"and last who's hoodie your wearing"

"yours" "yea so what do you mean I don't think my boyfriend loves me" he mimicked "come on yn that's not cool" he said with sadness in his voice. He walked away and I felt bad.

did I really hurt his feeling?

"Javon wait" I ran to hug him but he just pushed me away "no no don't hug me" he said "Javon im sorry" I laughed but he still was still pissed.

he sat on the couch and got out his phone "baby im sorry it was just a prank," I said but he didn't even look at me.

"Javon" I spoke sitting next to him "baby" I tried "my love" I cooed moving onto his lap "im sorry would please just look at me," I asked softly placing my hand on his cheek.


"im" *kiss*

"sorry" *kiss* *kiss*

I could see a small smile forming on his lips "I love you and I know that you love me too" I said and he finally looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes "can you forgive me" I asked and he thought for a second before saying "one more kiss"

I smiled and kissed cheeks, lips, nose, and temple.

"am I forgiven?" I asked and he smiled nodding "thank you" I hugged him "uhhh yn you're still on live" Jaden yelled from the kitchen "can you bring my phone im the living room" I yelled back came handing me my phone.

"Okay guys this was a good/bad prank" I laughed "whoever gave her this idea should go to hell" he said and my eyes widened "Javon!!" I playfully slapped his chest "okay guys that's enough yn for today" he said snatching the phone from my hands "say byeee" he smiled at the camera before pressing the End button at the top-right corner of the screen.




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