face mask (AT)

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WC: 455 

Your ages in this imagine is: 15 


Today I was spending the night at my boyfriend's and I was so excited to try the new face mask Maddy gave me.

I rang his doorbell and it didn't take long for him to answer "damn ma you look beautiful" she smiled "oh shut up" I playfully rolled my eyes "I missed you" I hugged him.

We got in and he asked and I said hi to fez before entering ash's room "sooo what's the plan for tonight" he said flopping on the bed.

"we're going to watch a movie, order take out and we'll do face masks" I said "Nah there is no way I'm putting anything on my face" he said "but you will do it because you love me" I said and he groaned.

As I was picking out a movie Ashtray ordered us the food, "alright I'm done" he said "me too" "what are we watching!!" he asked excitedly "the adam project".

"ooo come on let's watch it" he said but I stopped him before he could press the play button "we still have to do face masks remember" "I really hoped you forgot about that" he rolled his eyes and I pulled him up.

I sat on the sink counter and watched Ashtray as he tried putting his face mask on. He looked so cute, I could watch him all day and not get tired.

"ma how do you do this shit" he said frustrated, I laughed and helped put on his mask "yeah yeah keep laughing" he said smiling.

"come on you look cute" I said "cute is the last thing to call me with this thing on my face...baby I don't like it can I take it off" he whined.

"nooo your face is going to be glowing after this" I said and he rolled his eyes "come on let's take a picture" I said and he shook his head "yess please" I pouted giving him puppy dog eyes.

"ughhh fine but I swear if I find out you showed anyone things won't get pretty" he said "okay Amor calm down" I laughed taking out my phone.



"aww we look so good" I smiled "honestly the things I do for you" he said and I turned around and locked our lips together "you love me?" I asked pulling away "I love you to the moon and back" "mhmm not enough" I said and he chuckled "mmm I love y...

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"aww we look so good" I smiled "honestly the things I do for you" he said and I turned around and locked our lips together "you love me?" I asked pulling away "I love you to the moon and back" "mhmm not enough" I said and he chuckled "mmm I love you for infinity" he said and I smiled "too bad I love you more"




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Q: what face mask do you prefer clay, sheet, or the peel off ones? 

Ashtray and Javon Walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now