tutor pt.5 (JW)

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your ages in this imagine: 15-16


"How are we going to find her when she does not answer our calls or text" I said and Jaden huffed "wait let's think like Y/n, what does she do when she's mad or sad?" he asked.

"read" I answered "but she can read a book anywhere," he said and then it hit me "I think I might know where Y/n is," I told him where she might be.

"okay you go find her there and ill go back to the house," he said making me frown "why" ill come back I just need to go get something real quick," he told me.

We both went our separate ways and I started walking to the park.

I got there and stood next to the water fountain, I started looking around and saw her.

She was in a grey hoodie reading under a tree not far away.

just as I predicted.

I sat next to her and asked what book she was reading. She sighed and closed the book "what do you want" she asked "why weren't you answering my calls or texts".

"Sorry I didn't get them" she muttered getting up "it's said delivered on each one" I said and she sighed "just leave me alone" she said "no I want my friend my back".

"I think Javon Walton can find better friends" she said and suddenly droplets of water started to fall "great" she mumbled putting her hood up.

"Why won't you give me another chance" I told her but she kept walking "do you really hate me that much" I yelled as the rain started to pour "Y/n you're really going to hate me over a stupid fight that happed years ago" I yelled and she stopped at her tracks.

"Javon you have no idea what I've been through" she turned around "then tell me" I said and she started walking toward me.

-Y/n pov-

"that silly fight you're talking about broke me and the only friendship I cared about...you guys left me".

"do you know what felt like going to school every day seeing my two best friends having fun without me" I said feeling my heartache.

"you got famous and started hanging out with the 'cool kids' and forgot who you are, you became a jerk who only cares about popularity" "that's not true" he said and I scoffed.

"Javon that was the reason our friendship ended!! remember you two started 3red wheeling then stopped hanging out as much and soon stopped texting, calling, and even talking to me. When I talked to you about it you just said I was jealous of you" I told him.

-Javon's pov-

"ME your best friend since the second grade" she said pushing me "the girl who believed in your dreams before anyone did" with every push I felt more guilty "the person who comforted you when you didn't get a role and was the first to congratulate you when you did" she pushed me again.

"I hate you so much but I hate myself more for loving you" she said tears running down her cheek.

She broke down and I quickly pulled her into my embrace "Y/n I'm sorry I never knew I hurt you that much, I love you too and I can't bare seeing you cry" I said and she pulled away "y-you like me" "what's not to love, your beautiful, smart and one of the most amazing people I've met".

I looked down at her beautiful y/e/c and got lost in them and I had no idea I was leaning in.

My lips fell onto hers and as soon as she kissed back I felt fireworks in my heart that I forgot about the rain.

We pulled away and even in the rain I could see her cheeks turn a light shade of red. I was about to say something when I heard Jaden's voice "are you guys crazy it's raining get in the car!".

I held her hands and ran to Jayla's "you guys are soaking wet" my sister's eyes widened "why'd you take this long" I asked Jaden "because I was looking for this" he said bringing out an old photo book.

Me, Jaden, and Y/n photo book.

"oh my god I thought we lost it" Y/n said "I did too but mom was emptying the basement and found it in one of our old toy box's" he said handing it to us.

"Y/n I'm so sorry for not being there with Javon, can you forgive us please, we want our Y/n/n back" my brother said and she looked and me and smiled "I forgive you".

She rested her head on my shoulder and Jaden smirked looking at Jayla who had a big smile on her face "Y/n did you and Javon finally confess your love for each other" Jayla said and Y/n's face turned red.

"OH MY GOD, YOU DID!!" Jayla gasped and Jaden laughed "FINALLY!!!" he said. "wait you guys knew!??" I asked surprised.

"of course we did, you couldn't stop talking about how perfect Y/n is" "not to mention the jealous and anger you had when she was with Thompson" Jayla added and Y/n looked at me "you were jealous?"

"so jealous!" Jaden said and my face turned red in embarrassment "that's so cute" she giggled.

We reached our house and changed into warm clothes, Y/n asked her mother if she can stay the night and she agreed. My parents were so happy to find out that we were friends again. We played some board games, ate dinner, watched a movie then headed upstairs.

Me and Y/n were cuddling on my bed looking over our childhood pictures "oh my god you were so cute" she said and I faked gasped "are you calling me not ugly now" "Oh shut up you know what I meant" she giggled.

Soon we both got tired and decided to call it a night. I closed the light and looked at the girl I love sleeping peacefully in my arm.

God, I'm so lucky.




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Q: Okay so I kinda think this part is a bit cringe, but what do you think, did you like the story ??

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