birthday surprise (JW)

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Warning: a little fluff

WC: 1.1K

your ages in this imagine is: 17


Right now I was on a call with my boyfriend and he just broke the news that he won't be able to attend my birthday and I was upset really upset.

"what do you mean you can't come" "sorry baby but Sam wanted us to refilm some scenes and it might take a couple of days" he said and my heart ached. "are you sure you won't be able to come, even the day after," I asked and he shook his head.

"oh okay" I sighed "I'm really sorry Y/n," he said and I nodded "I just wish you were going to be here you know, but I guess it's your job and it's much more important" I mumbled the last part.

After a little while, I still felt miserable that he won't be around so I just lied to him saying that my mom is calling me "okay got to go" I said getting up "about to end the call "hey Y/n wait".

"yea?" "I love you" he said and I smiled a little "love you too".

I ended the call and flopped on the bed feeling my eyes tear up, a knock on my door made me get up and wipe my tears away "come in".

"hey y/n/n" my dad entered my room "is he coming?" he asked sitting next to me, I shook my head and he frowned "why not?".

"the producer's had them re-filming a couple of scenes and most of them are his so yea" he sighed and hugged me "are you okay" he asked and I shrugged "I haven't seen him in 6 whole months and now he tells me that I won't be seeing him on MY BIRTHDAY just makes me wanna cancel my party and cry in bed".

"WAIT dad can you call Sam and ask him to pause the shooting" I told him and he chuckled "Y/n I know that I'm a famous actor but I don't think he would press pause on the filming because I told him".

"but your Robert downy junior, AKA iron man," I said and he laughed "if he says no just blow him up with your suit" I laughed.

My dad and I have a really good relationship, I mean tony stark is my father what do you expect.

"Okay my child do you want to be to cancel your party or..." "it's okay dad you don't have to" "so is the party still on?" "the party is still on iron man" "great let me tell Jarvis" he said making me laugh.

"come on let's go order pizza before mom arrives and tells us no" he said helping me off the bed.

-time skip-

Today was my birthday and I was excited to celebrate it, I opened Instagram and saw some of the posts my friends and family posted.




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