Florida pt.2 (JW)

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WC: 730 

Your ages in this imagine: 16


I woke in my boyfriend's arm which made me so happy, I quietly got out of his grip and walked around checking on Jayla and Jaden who were still asleep.

It was 8:42 in the morning, still early to wake them up so I just stayed on my phone. Javon's phone suddenly rang and I looked at who it might be, it was his dad.

Uncle DJ said that they were going down for the breakfast bouffe and that we are going to have to check out before 11:30.

I woke up his kids and we all went downstairs, I ate some warm freshly made crispy waffles with barriers and maple syrup. My favorite.

After breakfast, we packed our things and got into the black van that is going to take us to DISNEY!!

Jaden and I were the most excited ones to explore the place, even more, the Daelo himself.

As soon as we entered Disney Javon, Jaden, and I were taken away by security, Jayla called uncle DJ and aunt jess then one of the men told me that the manager asked to see me.

Javon and Jaden wanted to come with me but they would let them "it's okay guys I'm sure it's nothing bad" I told them. I got in and a bald man stood up "hello I'm bob Chapek, the CEO of Disney"

"Y/n Y/l/n" I shook his hand "I know, I'm a huge fan of you and father," he said "thank you but can I ask why am I here" "oh yea take a seat"

-Jayla's pov-

My parents came at the time Y/n came out.

"sweetheart what happened," she asked "oh umm we're not going to stay at the hotel," she said, "what why!?" "because we're going to stay at Disney's Art of Animation Resort!!" she squealed showing us the cards.

"no way!!" "yes way and guess what else," she said "there is more," Jaden asked excitedly "we got free passes to EVERY RIDE!!".

On our way to our rooms, Y/n explained that uncle Y/f/n actually called the CEO of Disney and personally told him that we were coming and that he wanted this to be one of the best moments of our life.

So Disney gave us a special package

We entered our finding Nemo suites and both Jaden and Y/n looked at it in aww "this is so cool" Jaden gasped "I know dibs on the bed!!" "no not fair" they both ran to the rooms and I looked at Javon "looks like we're going to be the parents" I laughed.

After we got everything settled, changed into a cute outfits and left.

in our time staying here we are going to visit all the main 4 parks, today we're visiting the Magic Castel and tomorrow Epcot.

-Javon's pov-

You'd think that I was jealous of seeing my brother and girlfriend talk to each other a lot but it was kinda cute, they both looked around and gasped at everything like little kids.

Before we rode any rides we went to the gift shop and get us some cute things, tho, and Jayla had to make sure Y/n and Jaden don't buy the whole shop.

We bought caps and sunglasses to help us keep a low cover.

"Okay, guys it's 1 pm what ride should we go on first" Jayla asked and the two kids thought for a second "space mountain," my girl said and Jaden gasped "yes let's go!".

After riding space mountain, the seven dwarfs' mine train, and splash mountain we decided to take a break and have a little snack.

Jayla ordered a Mickey-shaped cinnamon roll, I ordered a normal one, Y/n took some ice cream which we shared and Jaden took some mac'n'cheese bites.

We walked around the park taking in its wonderful view and even snapped a couple of cute pictures. At dinner, we were all tired we could barely keep listening to Daelo.

"I'm guessing you 4 had fun" DJ chuckled and we nodded "I'm tired can we go now" my girlfriend pouted and I lazily nodded.

We went back to our room and everyone mumbled their goodnight, Y/n got in bed and spooned me "sorry I haven't given you much attention today" she spoke and smiled "it's okay, looking at how excited you were made my day" I told her I could feel her smile.




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Q: Have you ever gone to Disney, if yes how was it? 

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