birthday surprise (AT)

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WC: 323 

Your ages in this imagine: 15-16-17 (your choice)


It was late at night, around 12 and a half.  

I was halfway through my story when I suddenly heard tapping on my window startling me a bit.  

I walked over to the window and looked behind the curtains only to see my amazing boyfriend. 

He had a huge smile on his face that made my heat spark. 

I opened the window to let him in and as soon as he did he pulled me into a nice long hug. 

"Why do you have your backpack with you" I asked and he grinned taking it off "happy birthday baby" he took out a bouquet of my favorite flowers and a teddy bear holding a basket full of my favorite chocolate. 

"aww you didn't have to" I hugged him "of course I hat too" he said and I kissed him cupping his cheek. 

"thank you mi amor" I said and he blushed a little "oh wait I'm not done yet" he said taking out a hoodie but not any hoodie. 

I hoodie in my favorite color "I sowed in our initials together" he said showing me the sleeve that had both our letter's in a wired looking heart". 

I looked at his fingers and saw that most of them were covered with bandages "you did this" I said and he nodded "I might have poked my fingers a little but I'm fine" he said and I felt my heart flutter. 

I wore the hoodie and it smelled like Ashtray "you look pretty" he said and I giggled "I love you" I smiled "love you more princess". 

He got in bed with me and put on a movie, halfway through the movie a heard Ashtray's soft snores. 

I giggled and closed my laptop covering both of us with my sheet. 

I kissed his forehead and drifted asleep hugging him 

'God I love this boy' 




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Q: what's your favorite chocolate

Ashtray and Javon Walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now