bloody Nuckles (AT)

3.3K 36 22

WC: 260

Your ages in this imagine: 17-18


I was on the bed reading when suddenly I heard a knock on my window, starteld I looked out and saw my boyfriend with a guilty smile on his face. 

Oh no what did he do 

I opened the window and the first thing I noticed was the cut on his face and blody knuckles, my eyes widened. 

He got into fight again 

I let him inside "hi" he whispered smiling, I pulled him into the bathroom and took out the first aid box I had. 

Since the first fight he had I went and bought a box filling it with all the things I might need. 

Ashtray sat on the sink counter, I lightly placed the cotton on his cut and he winces I sigh and ask "why do you keep getting into fights". 

I looked at him and he grinned at me with a cut on his lip "this asshole said something about you so I had to show him your mine" he said and I felt a small smile creep onto my face. 

I continued to clean his injuries and when I was done I gave him some clothes to change into and he texted fez telling him that he was going to spend the night here.  

We got in bed and cuddled each other, we talked about our future like college, marriage and even kids and let's just say I was kinda surprised that Ashtray wanted a big family. 

{vote, comment, follow} 

Q: how many kids want? 

Ashtray and Javon Walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now