mad at him (AT)

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WC: 468

Your ages in this story: 16


Today I'm staying the night at Ashtray's, ever since I came he's just playing Fortnite and chatting with his friends on his ps5 which I didn't mind at first but after 3 hours I started getting bored and annoyed.

"Yes 1st  place!" he shouted in excitement and I rolled my eyes, I was sitting on the bed watching him and over this I wanted some love and affection so I hugged him from behind and kissed his back.

"baby you've been playing this game for 3 hours now, cant you take a little break and give me some attention" I said he pushed me away "later" he said annoyed.


I was upset about what he said, I am a sensitive person and I don't want to keep waiting for something I might not even get so I just packed my stuff up.

I took my charger and laptop placing them back into the bag, Ashtray quickly noticed and turned away from the screen for the first time in hours.

"Wait where are you going?" he asked looking back at his screen then at me "play your stupid game, I bet you love it more than me" I said angrily slamming his bedroom door.

I made my way downstairs I opened his front door when felt a strong grip on waist so I turn around to face him "don't leave I'm sorry" Ashtray said sympathetically.

"like you mean it" I scoffed and he smirked "what?" I asked crossing my arms he was making me mad.

He came closer to me "you look hot when your angry" he whispered sending shivers down my spine.

Of course I became flustered.

Ashtray smirked at my reaction knowing that he was the cause of it "stop that I'm spoused to be mad at you" I blushed "you can't stay mad at me forever let's go cuddle" he suggested I nodded.

We went back to his room and finally got in bed "wanna watch a movie" I asked and he nodded, I got my laptop out and opened Netflix, we decided to watch grownups since I was in the mood for something funny.

I pressed play and ash pulled me closer to him spooning me, planting kisses over my neck and face. "baby stop" I giggled "lo que te estoy dando a mi chica un poco de amor y afecto"(what im giving you my girl some love and affection) 

After many laughs and kisses he stopped, I cupped his face and creased his cheek "te amo" (I love you) I said and he smiled.

"te quiero más" (love you more) he said placing a kiss on my lips then my forehead.

"te quiero más" (love you more) he said placing a kiss on my lips then my forehead

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