Chapter 3

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You were so close to oblivion, it was as if you were drowning into the depths that separate life and death. Until a hand suddenly pulled you back up. You didn't want to go back, the oblivion felt so peaceful, so tranquil, without the pain and suffering that was brought by the guilt.

But then you were suddenly pulled out of it. You were conscious but your eyes remained close, your mind race through a thousand thoughts at once.

From your open wound around your slit wrist, Douma's blood seeped through. And as if that was not enough, he bit off a chunk of his own flesh in his arm and drunk the blood, but he didn't gulp it down.

Instead he leaned closer to you, parting your lips, he sealed it with his own and the blood flowed down in your mouth, some even flowed down on the side as it trickled from your chin.

Douma had to contain himself as he leaned back and brushed your lower lip with his thumb. "You will do well to swallow and accept that man's blood."

The blood of that man, the progenitor of all demons that prowled the land for hundreds of years, when it passed down your throat and seeped through your wound, your body started to feel like it was burning.

From the tranquil ocean of oblivion you were suddenly thrown into the harsh pits of hell's fire. Every cell in your body screamed in pain and agony.

Douma hoisted you up, carrying you in his arms. His arm had already healed, and your wrist is starting to heal as well. He carried you out of his room, your body lie limply in his arms as he continued to walk down the passage.

When he got to the hall where some of his followers are gathered, they immediately looked at him. Mouth dripping with blood along with you unconscious in his arms, not to mention your kimono that had been dyed with red from your blood, the people stood in utter tremor, unable to comprehend the sight in front for a few seconds.

Until Douma settled on his seat, you still in his arms and started to stroke your hair.

"D-Douma-sama, what happened?"

"Hush now," Douma said, the closed fan he has in hand in front of his lips. "Y/n-chan is sleeping."

Suddenly he felt you steering from your slumber until a few seconds later you slowly open your eyes, blinking a few times from the sudden brightness. Your eyes have turned into slits, canines elongated and veins popping on the side of your face and temple.

Slowly you sat up, hair falling down your shoulders. Douma held back his laughter, knowing that you had done incredibly well accepting that man's blood. Otherwise you would have died from consuming it.

"What...what in the world..."

When you heard the voice you turned your head to the side and saw a dozen people gathered in front. Douma stroke your hair, brushing it behind your shoulder as he leaned in to whisper.

"All yours, Y/n-chan," he said. "Satiate your hunger."

You stood up from his lap and zeroed in on the man ahead before you charged at him in a matter of second. When your teeth took off a piece of his flesh and blood gush out of his neck, the people around started to scream and run towards the door.

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