Chapter 38

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There's a certain change about him. Maybe he had gotten stronger after defeating Akaza and climbing up the rank of Upper Moon Two. His presence also became more ominous, frightening, that for a moment you were uncertain if it was really Douma.

That is, until he walked towards you and yanked you up before crashing his lips on yours. Then there's no uncertainty anymore, it's Douma.

That familiar kiss, his lips perfectly sealing yours, the way he would glide his tongue inside your mouth. You had never been kissed by any man before, but you doubt even if you have, the kiss would not taste as sweet as Douma's kiss. It would be as intoxicating, as stimulating, as...

Loving? You thought when you suddenly felt the way he's kissing you now feels a bit different. Usually, it would start off as slow and gentle and it would turn rougher and hungrier.

But as the seconds passed, the kiss was more passionate, amorous, affectionate even.

You put your hands on his chest, lightly pushing him back as you leaned back to look at him.

"What... was that?"

"What?" he asked back. And you realized he wasn't aware of what he was doing. He wasn't aware of it himself.

"Just kiss me like you always do."

"And I'm doing just that."

No, you thought, he's not doing just that at all. The kiss was different, you can tell. It was almost as if... you find it hard identifying the word because it feels so wrong to say it to someone like him.

But the kiss feels almost warm. When all you've ever felt from him were his cold hands holding you whenever he would take you. And now his kiss feels so full of warmth.

Douma stared at you but he didn't say anything as he put his hand on your cheek then moved it at the back of your head before he crashed his lips on yours again. This time, it started off rough and you thought, maybe you were just imagining it.

Or maybe you had lost your mind.

There's no way he would affectionately kiss you like that. Maybe it was your subconscious wanting to be kissed so amorously, to feel that warmth. Nonetheless, that didn't last as Douma continued to kiss you roughly, biting on your bottom lip, drawing blood before he licked it and shoved his tongue inside your mouth.

And while kissing you so hungrily, Douma had held you up before he climbed up the bed and then placed you down. He only broke the kiss to lean back and took his clothes off, while you were breathing a bit heavily, your face flushed and your lips bleeding.

You wiped the blood before the small wound healed. Douma didn't waste a second to rip your kimono off you. He didn't even care about how expensive that kimono is, he just hates how it's in the way.

You were surprised for a moment, your eyes a bit wide before Douma leaned down and started kissing you again. The growing bulge in his pants pressing on your entrance and you let out a sound under the kiss.

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