Chapter 34

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For the first time you found yourself admitting that. Upon hearing Douma say that he went to Yoshiwara once or twice, you felt something. It wasn't a pleasant feeling and only a moment later did you finally identify what that feeling was.

"It upsets me," you said.

If to Douma it's concerning that he doesn't want to do it with anyone else but you from now on, to you, it's concerning how the thought of him going to Yoshiwara and being surrounded by courtesans upset you.

"It upsets me so much, and I don't even know why. The thought of seeing you being surrounded with courtesans upsets me a lot."

"Y/n-chan," Douma said, cutting off your thoughts as you focused on him. "Sorry that I upset you a lot."

You don't know if his apology was even genuine. But hearing him say those words made your unpleasant feeling subside even for a bit. And even more when Douma caresses your face and leaned in, planting a kiss on your cheek before he leaned back to look at you.

His expression had changed and his eyes held a dangerous glint once again.

"But I don't think I can hold it in. I'm running out of patience here."

"Then," you looked down and you felt Douma's hold around your wrists had loosened up so you were able to wriggle them out of his hold. "Do you want to put it in?"

"Not yet," he said as you lowered your hands, your finger touching the tip of his length that's starting to get moist from precum trickling down before you wrap your hands around it.

"Why's it getting bigger?" you muttered, oddly focused on how your hands are wrapped around his length. "Are you really sorry that you upset me?"

"I'm really..." Douma grunted as he gripped the sheet beside you before he grinned, showing his sharp canines. "...sorry,"

You move your hands up and down his length and you can feel him throb. Is he close, you thought as you continued and more precum trickled down.

"The women in Yoshiwara... the courtesans, are they better than me at pleasing you?" you asked, eyes still glued on his length while your hands, small and soft, continue to run up and down his length, "They must be, they have more experience after all."

"Didn't you just say that you don't want to be compared to them?"

"I was just curious how those courtesans please you."

"I don't really remember," Douma said, moving closer to you. "I don't remember the last time... a courtesan pleased me. Now all I do with them... is consume them."

"Is that so?"

You can feel him throb under your palms and you knew he was close. So close, but you don't want him to get the satisfaction of finishing right away so you were about to pull your hands. But Douma was quick to hold your hands in place and a moment later he came, letting it out on your stomach as you felt the warm liquid gliding down your belly button.

"I'm sorry I upset you, Y/n-chan," he said, letting out a sigh after relieving himself but he's starting to get hard again, your hands were hardly enough. "I promise it won't happen again."

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