Chapter 23

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When Akaza came to Douma's place, he never expected to see you there. He knew Douma for some time, even though Akaza didn't want to know him any more than that. He knew Douma only devours women, saying how nutritional they were compared to men, so it wasn't exactly a surprise to see a woman in his bed.

But what was surprising was when that woman turned out to be neither alive nor dead. But a demon that Akaza hasn't met before.

"Y/n..." he muttered your name, stopping in his tracks. When he saw you before he left that night, you wore a hair ornament that made Akaza feel a sense of conflict with himself, like his mind wanted him to remember something that should not be remembered.

"What trivial thought," he said before leaping through the forest, in the darkness where his kind belongs.

It wasn't long since Akaza came, or perhaps you had long since lost perception on time. What used to feel so long ago now feels so transient, maybe because of your perpetual existence that a lifetime of a human being is but a few blinks of an eye to you.

You know Douma had yet to tell you things about your kind, what he told you so far may be of importance but compared to a pond of information, he only scoop a handful of water in his palm.

You sat in front of the vanity, hair ornaments on the table as you scanned them. Your hand hovered above the beautifully decorated hair pieces before stopping at the one certain hair ornament that you were wearing before Akaza left.

"He looked like he was about to say something," you muttered, taking the hairpin with three snowflakes. "I wonder...he was looking at this hairpin."

You put your pointer finger at the sharp edge of the hairpin, and slowly pushed it down as it pierced your skin and blood trickled down. It started to sting but you continued to pierce your finger with the hairpin until a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled it back.

"Y/n-chan," Douma said, smiling as he lifted your hand and licked the blood before the wound closed. "You shouldn't play with sharp objects. There are a lot more other things you can play with."

"Like what?" you asked and Douma's smile turned into one of his mischievous smirks.

"Like something that you can wrap your pretty fingers around."

You look at your hand, outstretching your fingers. Your nails had become sharper, capable of slitting open a human's throat if you so desired.

"Something I can wrap my pretty fingers around, huh?" you muttered before looking at Douma, your hand moving closer to him, closer to his neck and you found yourself standing up.

Your hand was so close to wrapping around his neck before you glanced up at his face and instead touched his cheek, cold as ever, soft like snow and Douma held your hand.

"My, my, for a second I thought you were going to kill me."

"Who knows?" you said, shrugging your shoulders. "But we can't kill each other, can we?"

"Of course we can't," he said, taking a step closer and you were about to pull your hand down but Douma held it tightly. "Unless of course, I leave you outside before sunrise, strapped you down and let the sun burn you to ashes."

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