seven- get in the car

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after Michael struck Ashton I screamed and shot up, quickly heading towards them.

Ashton started tumbling backwards, heading for the railing on the side of the hallway. I didn't think he was losing all of his balance until he fell quickly, flailing his arms.

he fell over the railing, both Michael and I lunging forward, trying to catch him.

"OH, FUCK NO!" I hear belle scream. there was a loud thud immediately after. I hesitantly looked over the railing, scared to see what happened to Ashton.

he was laying on the floor holding his jaw and moaning. we need to get him to a hospital. he just fell about 10, maybe even 12 feet.

"shit. oh shit. Devon I-" Michael started, squeezing my hand tight.

"you didn't mean to. I know. just, we gotta go. get in the car," I pecked Michael and ran down the stairs telling the guys to help ash into the car.


after finally arriving to the hospital, Michael ran inside telling the nurses what happened and that we needed to get Ashton help right away.

a few guys ran outside with a gurney, rushing Ashton back into the hospital.

we all waited patiently in the waiting room. no one was saying anything. Michael slowly grabbed my hand and squeezed it so tightly. he was shaking.

I looked over to him and could see slight tears in his eyes.

"michael, it was an accident. he'll be okay. it'll be okay," I said bringing him in for a hug.

I was leaning on Michael's shoulder while he rubbed my hand, drawing little patterns on it.

a doctor walked over to us and we all stood up simultaneously.

"are you the friends of..." he checked his clipboard then looked back up, "Ashton Irwin?"

"yeah. yeah, we are. how is he? is everything gunna be okay?" Michael asked looking the doctor straight in the eye.

"yes, Mr. Irwin will recover quickly. he didn't hit anything hard on his fall, amazingly, but he did bruise his jaw. we may need to keep him over night just in case. do his parents know what happened?" the doctor drowned out.

"yeah, we told them. they're on their way," Luke stated.

the doctor walked away after I asked if we could visit him. a nurse showed us the door to his room and we all slowly filed in.

"uh, Ashton?" Michael asked, his voice shaking.

"yeah, I'm in here, guys," a scratchy voice stated.

We all saw Ashton, bruised and tired looking. Michael rushed over to the side of his bed and started apologizing repetitively. Ashton laughed and said it was okay, that he deserved it. damn right he did.

okay, maybe not the whole "falling from 10 feet thing," but getting punched was definitely called for.

"devon. babe. come here," Ashton said, shocking all of us.

"not to be the evil bitch who's bagging on the broken one but, you fucked up Ashton. she's not really your 'babe' anymore," ceana stood in front of me, once again shocking us all with her words.

Michael walked over to me and forced a slight kiss, then turned to Ashton saying, "she's with me ash. I'm sorry. but you broke her heart."

just at that moment, a beautiful blonde girl walked into the hospital room.

"um, is this Ashton irwin's room? I'm steph, his girlfriend," the girl said, slightly smiling.

"I- Ashton. mi-Michael. guys, I'm sorry. I just- guys. I'm- I'm sorry," I stuttered, losing my breath.

I broke away from Michael's grip and ran out of the hospital, and down the road. there were trees everywhere and no one else to be seen.

I sat down in the street, pulled my beanie over my ears, and screamed.

everything is fucking confusing and now Steph was there? standing right in front of me? Gosh. why is this all just suddenly happening.

not even a week ago I was content with my always disappearing boyfriend and amazing friends. now, I have Michael. my wonderful boyfriend. my amazing friends. and a love for a boy who broke my heart into a million pieces.

I need an escape. the library.

that place has become like, my safe haven. the only one who knows about it is Michael. and I wouldn't care if he showed up. actually, I'd prefer it.

I walked down the road. it felt like forever until I reached the library.

I slowly tip toed inside, not wanting anyone to hear or see me.

I made a bee line to the back of the adult section, my usual spot. I sat down in the dusty desk and took a deep breath.

I'll check the book. I just need to talk to someone that's nowhere near my situation.

I walked over to the shelf and grabbed the book, flipping through the pages.

a piece of paper settled onto the floor. I smiled and picked it up. it wasn't my note, so my note pal wrote back early too.

dear note pal,
I know I'm writing back really early, but considering you did too, I didn't think you would mind. how about we just write back as much as we can? I want a friend I can just talk, well write, too.
anyway, I got into a pretty big mess. and it's all my fault.
so, to answer your questions, yeah, I go there. I'm a senior.
and as for the "taken"'s kinda complicated.
and I'm a boy lol.
I'm figuring you're a girl, by the way you're writing.
sorry it's so long lmao.
well baii
-note pal

alright, they go to our school. cool. maybe I could try to figure out who they are.

dear note pal,
you're right. let's just write all the time.
what happened with your mess? I just got into one of my own, so maybe we can help each other out.
I figured you were a boy lol:)
well I gtg so bai
-note pal

I looked down at the note, rereading it.
after consideration, I drew a little heart after "bai." I hope they don't think I'm creepy. oh, who cares.


I texted Michael telling him where I was. I asked him to come pick me up and he texted back quickly, saying he would love to.

he got to the library quickly and called me saying he was there.

I ran outside and hopped into Michael's car.

"you good, babe?" Michael asked driving us back to my place.

"I think so. at least, I am now," I whispered, creeping closer to Michael's neck.

I wanted him. I wanted him to be mine. hell, he was mine. and now, all I wanted was to be his. and his alone.



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