fifteen- plan B

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Michael: k, we're by the sliding door thing. we have your disguise. get Luke and ceana too.

Michael texted calum and we waited.

"so what's the plan?" Michael asked me as I was throwing rocks at the nearby wall.

"I'll tell you when they get here. it's, like, so much work to explain it twice," I whined and walked over to him.

"don't be so lazy!" Michael laughed and grabbed my waist.

"I thought you liked me being lazy..." I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Devon...dont do this to me! don't give me those eyes," Michael laughed and booped my nose, making me giggle.

after a few more minutes of kisses and giggles, everyone showed up.

they all walked over, looking determined.

"alright. time to get to work," I got out a piece of paper from my bag that had the floor plan of the restaurant. I did my research.

"okay. step 1. set up. Michael and I will walk in using our fake names. I got reservations under Mr. and Mrs. cliffton, because, you know, Clifford plus Hamilton.... anyway, calum, I got you reservations under Mr. woods. and luke, ceana? sneak through the sliding door over there. if you walk quickly enough, no one will notice you. hide behind here," I said pointing to the paper, "there's a wall that secluded, but has a great view."

"damn, devon," Michael laughed.

"yeah, I know. hurry, belle texted me a while ago that they were almost here. calum, here. this is your disguise," I handed him a baseball hat, sunglasses, and a jacket to cover his tattoos.

everyone had focused looks and we're listening to me. ha. this is great.

"step two. We'll all have these ear pieces in so we can talk. calum, ask for the table behind ash and belle. Michael and I will sit on the other side of them, slightly further away. you're gunna be our ears. listen for anything and everything. Luke and ceana, stalk him. in the bathroom, it's Luke's job. ceana, find a way to steal a waiters outfit. get close. are we clear?" I ask determined.

"holy shit, yeah," calum said.

everyone else said yes and as we were all waking to our stations, I stopped.

"but guys, if something goes wrong, plan B is to haul ass out of there," I looked at each of them and they all nodded going back to where they need to be.

Michael, calum, and I all put our ear pieces in and could already hear ceana talking.

"hellooooooo? are you guys thereeee?" ceana was calling out.

"yeah, yeah, we're here. we're walking to the front desk now," I whispered.

"okay, Luke and I are already hiding. we'll tell you when we see you," ceana answered.

Michael put his arm around my shoulder and we walked up to the lady at the desk.

"for two? it'll be at least an hour wait. we apologize," the woman said looking from us to her computer screen.

"actually, we have reservations. for two under Cliffton?" Michael tapped his fingers on the desk. this lady was obviously getting in his nerves.

"oh! yes, yes. I see it here. right this way," the woman grabbed two menus and motioned us to follow her.

without talking, she placed us at the table across from belle and Ashton. just as I planned.

when we sat down, belle saw me and her eyes widened.

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