twenty eight- the end?

32 3 4

I stepped away from Michael and smiled.

"how do you always do that?" I looked down toward my feet as I twiddled my fingers.

"do what, babe?" he took my chin between his thumb and index finger, causing me to look up.

"make me giggle even when I'm flustered..." I could feel myself blushing as his eyes glistened in the sunlight that peered through the window, slightly covered by the curtains.

"you are so damn adorable," Michael grabbed my waist with both of his muscular hands and pulled me closer so he could whisper in my ear.

"you're blushing, princess," his hot breath lingered on my skin, even as he moved his lips away from my ear and to my lips.

he leaned his forehead against mine and moved his hands to the back pockets of my jeans. Michael squeezed my butt, making me jump and causing Michael to laugh.

this time, Michael stepped back and grabbed both of my hands, interlocking our fingers.

"hey, babe, the boys and I were gunna hang it cool if I split?" Michael flashed his signature innocent smile.

I was going to ask him to stay, but after I remembered that the "meeting" was tonight, I knew I needed to get ready for it.

"oh, yeah! go do guy stuff. I've kept you all to myself for days. tell Luke and cal I said hi, okay?" I took my bottom lip between my lip, knowing that drives Michael crazy.

"oh hell no. don't you dare do that while you say I can leave. you know what that does to me!" Michael whined.

I giggled and stuck my tongue out, "go have fun, babe."

Michael smashed his lips into mine and I draped my arms around his neck.

I made a "muah" noise when our lips left each other, causing Michael to playfully roll his eyes back and smile.

we walked toward the front door and I let him out, blowing him a kiss as he got into his car. I waved as he drove away and Michael honked his car twice.

contently sighing, I walked back into the dining room and gathered the dishes, bringing them to the kitchen.

as I walked into the room, I was happily surprised.

"hola, bitchacho," belle didn't even look up from her phone as she leaned on the counter, a glass of Dr. Pepper next to her.

"well, hello there. how did you get in?" I laughed as I placed the dishes into the sink and began to rinse them off, half heartedly.

"back door was open. I knocked on the front, but you and Michael were too busy canoodling, you guys didn't hear me. so I walked around and came through here. don't worry though, I didn't hear anything about him being to make you giggle... whoops," belle chuckled, placing her phone down and hopping up onto the counter. she faced the sink and swung her legs against the cabinet.

"soooo...what are we up to today?" belle questioned.

"oh, well. I'm hopefully meeting my note pal at 7:45 tonight. I was thinking we could call up ceana and do stuff before I die tonight," I smiled sarcastically at her while I dried my hands with a towel. I threw the towel at belle and she tossed it right back, chuckling.

"you won't die. you're just going out meet a guy you've been falling in love with! except... you don't know his name, how old he really is, if he's a creep...ha; you don't even know if it's a guy. but, trust me, you won't die," belle said try to be "reassuring."

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