twenty- all alone

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this chap is gunna be short
I'm tired lol
"what? why would you say that? that's not funny," i said as my mouth parted slightly at Ashton's words.

"I see him at the library all the time. almost every day. all the time. knowing michael, he's not reading. I went in once and saw him at a desk I usually do my work at. since when does he actually stay at the library? something's fishy," Ashton bit his lip.

"just because he decided to go to the library doesn't mean he's cheating Ashton. stop jumping to conclusions. and why were you at the library anyway?" I say pursing my lips.

"I- uh- um- I needed to uh- talk- to a- um- friend..." Ashton stuttered at a loss for words. he was obviously lying.

"you know what Ashton? I don't need this. I don't need your lies. I don't need you giving me imaginary reasons to break up with michael. I'm happy with him and I don't need you trying to ruin that. so thank you for your input, but good bye," I turned on my heel and strutted away, quite happy with myself.

I heard Ashton stutter something, but when I turned around he had already started walking towards the cafeteria.

I got to the parking lot and saw michael leaning against my car. he looked so badass; wearing his leather jacket and crossing his arms.

I walked up at michael nodded his head at me, then got into the car. I got in too and shot a smile at michael. he grabbed my chin hastily, scaring me, and looked right in my eyes. "I fucking love you," michael whispered as he crashed his lips into mine.

we shared the heated kiss for about two straight minutes until he slowly pulled away and happily say back in his seat.

"what the hell was that for?" I laughed.

"I've just been wanting to do that all day," michael smirked at me and I started up and the car.


once we got to papa johns, michael ran to my side of the car, as he's done so many times before, and helped me out.

he tried to tickle me as we walked in, but I ran ahead of him giggling. I rushed inside and chose a booth, trying to get away from my giggly boyfriend behind me.

not even a second went by of michael and I sitting in the booth when Calum and belle walked in. they rushed over and both looked beyond happy.

"what's up with you guys?" Michael chuckled.

"okay. well, I know this totally ruins your plan, but Ashton said he doesn't feel comfortable going out with me. so, calum and I can be public again!" belle said and planted an adorable kiss on calums lips.

"bad awh to my plan; cute awh to you guys," I giggled and gestured for them to sit down.

we all ate lunch contently until we realized that Luke and ceana still hadn't shown up.

"did either one of them tell you where they were going?" Michael asked as he drew patterns on my upper thigh, giving me goosebumps.

"no, but we better get back. it's almost 1:30," calum started getting out of the booth, grabbing belles hand.

we walked out of the restaurant and all noticed Luke's car instantly. why hadn't they come inside?

all of us walked up to the car and saw Luke and ceana making out in the front seat. I guess that's a good reason for missing lunch.

I banged on the front of the car and we all laughed seeing them blush. I am an evil woman.


after school, I told Michael that he could go to his house if he needed. I said I had to go "check out some books."

he kissed me goodbye and we parted our ways.

the whole ride to the library, my thoughts started to wander. I started to think of things that had never crossed my mind before.

I wanted to know who my note pal was.

I wanted it so badly.

before this, I wanted it to be a secret. I loved the mystery. but, now that I've been having these weird feelings for this person; this person I've never met, I wanted to know who it was.

they flirt with me. they say I'm smart. maybe I'm just imagining this, but I like them. I love Michael, I like them.

I just need to know who they are.

without knowing, I had already headed to my desk. I pulled out the book and, oddly, the note was short. very short.

dear note pal,
I'm crazy for saying this.
I'm crazy for feeling this.
I've never met you,
I have feelings for you.
-note pal

well, glad to know I'm not the only one.

now knowing we both have these feelings, I should tell Michael. Michael needs to know about my mystery friend. note pal.

dear note pal,
I feel the same way.
but I have a boyfriend. a boyfriend I'm very, very happy with. I love him. before this goes any further, I should tell him about you. I'm sorry.
-note pal

it hurt writing that, but it needed to be said.

I put the note away and walked out to the "hidden" balcony.

I looked over the edge and saw the busy city. I didn't realize how long i was inside the library. I checked the time on my phone. 4:57.

you know what, fuck it. I'm staying up here for a while. fuck feelings.

I kept standing there, watching the world go by. cars, people, lights. when you really stepped back from the world, it was pretty.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the balcony door opening behind me. I turned around quickly, hoping it was someone I could ignore. someone I can pretend wasn't there, so I could get back to my "escape from life."

but, no, it wasn't.

It wasn't someone I could ignore.

it was someone i thought I wanted to ignore.

Michael let out a deep sigh and I ran over to him, giving him the tightest hug.

"are you okay?" Michael whispered as he swayed us back and forth in our hug.

"no," I choked out and squeezed him tighter.

"hey. dev. I know you have a lot going on. but, maybe this could help," Michael pulled out of the hug, placing both of his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eyes, which started blurring from built up tears.

"I talked to your parents. they agree you need a getaway. you know that we have a four day weekend right? that we don't have school tomorrow and Monday?" Michael asked innocently.

I nodded and wiped my eyes.

"they said we could go up to your cabin in the mountains. your parents were going to go for a vacation, but they offered it to me, well us, when I stopped by your house to find you. we have the whole weekend. just you and me," Michael smiled softly.

"that- that sounds amazing," I bit my bottom lip and smiled.

Michael pulled me into a hug again and put his lips right next to my ear.

"just you and me. no one else. we an finally be alone," Michael kissed right under my ear.

"all alone?" I choked on my words.

"all alone."



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