twenty five- so, help me?

15 2 0

well, now, I guess the hunt begins.

but what the hell can I do to figure out who it is?

I can't decipher the handwriting. I guess I could ask the note pal to meet me...

wait, what? michael is just over there. why am I trying to be so sneaky? I'll just interrogate him. silly me.

I walked out of the aisle when I saw Michael heading to the balcony.

deep breath. deep breath.

I'll just ask him a few questions...casually.

I walked behind him, just about 2 feet away. he opened the door to the balcony and walked out, holding it open as I walked outside with him.

we both walked to the railing and looked out onto the city. the sky had dimmed, so the lights throughout the town were gorgeous. this is my favorite time to come to the library.

Michael inhaled and exhaled slowly and loudly, causing me to turn my head toward him.

"Devon?" Michaels face had a smile firmly plastered on it.

"yeah, babe?" I answered, turning my attention back onto the city.

"you're the love of my life," Michael said each word with such meaning. as if he had worked on how to say the simple sentence for a great amount of time.

"Michael, you're the love of my life," I repeated with the same amount of affection, love, and meaning in each and every word.

we stood for a few slow, yet beautiful, minutes, still standing near each other and looking out onto the gorgeous scenery that is the well-light town. the seemingly perfect evening sky glowed reds, pinks, and oranges from the sun setting on the other side of the city. the moment was unbelievably wonderful. interrogating Michael didn't even cross my mind.

well, it hadn't until Michael backed away from leaning on the railing, as I was doing. the movement broke me out of the trance that the breath taking view and Michael's words had put me in.

"hey, Mikey? babe?" I turned around to face him as he walked around the balcony for no apparent reason.

"yes, princess?" Michael answered, not lifting his head, but keeping it firmly placed downward as he watched his own feet walk in a straight line while he attempted to trace the lines of the wood with his walking pattern.

I walked toward him and wrapped my arms around his neck, causing him to look up at me. "what happened with your friend? the one with Great Expectations?"

"oh, I'm not sure. they stopped responding to me. maybe they got busy. I don't know. I miss them though..." Michael said casually and pulled me in for a tight hug. he kissed my forehead. shit, that boy can make me go crazy.

i don't like having to ask him questions like this. it makes me feel dirty. I'll just find another way to know who it is.

time went by slowly as we stood on the balcony in warm embrace.

"devon, I think I'm gunna head home, okay? I'll drop you off and come over in the morning with breakfast. I want some sleep after this weird weekend of ours," he giggled and we headed back inside.

I couldn't disagree. this weekend had been crazy. but, anything with me is crazy. but Michael still sticks around. he's almost as weird as me.

the car ride home was quiet, but a comfortable quiet. it felt like we had resolved something. Michael seemed to be content. maybe he had been keeping "that sentence" in for a while. well, I'm sure glad as hell that he said it.

I smiled to myself as my thoughts ran through my mind. I'm the love of his life. we're only teenagers, but it still means so much. Ashton hadn't said anything like that to me. he told me he loved me. he told me he was there for me. but, he never said anything that really stuck.


I walked into Ashton's house and closed the door behind me.

"ash? ashtooonnnn?" I sang and headed to the kitchen.

"upstairs! I'll be down in a minute! I just need to finish brushing my hair!" Ashton's voice rang through the house.

I smiled and opened the fridge.

"yessssssss, pizza," I said to myself as I opened the pizza box on the third shelf of the fridge and grabbed a piece.

I stuffed my mouth with the cold, yet delicious, food.

leaning on the counter. I pulled out my phone.

"Devon. devon, baby," Ashton walked into the kitchen, out of breath. he was only wearing a towel around his waist and his hair was dripping wet.

the water ran down his chest, causing my mouth to drop open. he looked a whole lot tanner than last time I saw him without his shirt on.

"uh, um, what? yeah?" I snapped back from my thoughts and wipes my mouthed which had started drilling with drool. damn.

"devon. I love you," Ashton has caught his breath and adjusted his towel.

"I love you too, Ashton. why did you need to run downstairs to tell me you loved me?" I laughed and pushed his wet hair out of his face.

"I needed to say it. I missed the way your face changes when I say it. it glows. that's what lets me know you love me too."

once we got home, Michael insisted on carrying my bags inside and to my room. I walked up the stairs behind him and spanked his butt, making him laugh.

he turned around to look at me. he stuck his tongue out and I gasped, pretending to be hurt by it.

once he put my bags near my door, he placed his strong hands on my waist and looked me in the eyes.

"devon, you're fucking amazing. take a nap? okay? I know your tired. you get flirty when you're tired..." he chuckled at the end and I hid my face since I could feel myself starting to blush.

"don't be shy, princess. it's cute. I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" Michael kissed my nose.

"okay. but, one question...why are you being so fluffy right now?" I asked and scrunched up my nose as I smiled.

"I get like this when I'm tired-" Michael yawned at the end of the sentence and I smiled.

I hugged him and kissed his cheek. he walked down the stairs and blew a kiss at me as he left the house.

oh my gosh. he always knows how to make me blush.

I walked into my room and plopped down onto my bed, grabbing my phone from my back pocket.

now that I'm alone, I can finally work on trying to find out who my note pal is.

I went to my text messages and started texting the two people who I knew I could trust with helping me.

I haven't told anyone about my note pal yet, but I guess there's no better time than the present.

and right now, the present will consist of me gaining partners in my crazy plan.

I opened the group can't that composed of myself, belle, and ceana.

Devon: guys, I need help. I have a crazy plan and you two bitches are the only people crazy enough to go along with it.


so I'm really tired but it's only 1 lol
anyway, this chap was kind of a filler?
I mean it was cute and fun to write but whatever
okay I'm tired
gn lovelies
I love you all:))

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