The Beginning (Edited)

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(60 years ago)


On the second night of the ball, Cinderella, a maid disguised as a princess, danced with the prince she was madly in love with.

But, unknowing to them, another prince was in with the mysterious princess.


I spent the time of my life dancing with the prince until he had to go with his father.

Until someone touched my shoulder, I turned to see another prince next to me.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, with his hand in front of me.

"Of course," I told him, not wanting to be rude.

We both danced in the gigantic ballroom, but I felt something was wrong with him.

"So, I see you're a friend of the crown prince," He said.

"I wouldn't say friend since we only met at yesterday's ball," I told him.

"Interesting," He said

When the song ended, he asked me to go with him to the balcony, and I followed him.

"So, I have to ask, what is your name?"

"My name is Prince Leth." He introduces himself.

"May I ask yours?" He asked, coming closer.

"That's something I can't tell you," I told him, stepping back.

"Come on, princess, I won't bite," He told me seductively, touching my shoulder.

"Stay away from me!" I yelled at him, but he wouldn't listen and tried to grab me.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" I heard someone say.

We both turned to see the castle prince with some of his guards.

"Guards take him away," He said, and the guards did what he said.

"You will never win this game, Henry. Just wait, I'll have my revenge on you and take over this kingdom!" he told him, but he didn't care or listen to him.

"Are you ok?" the prince asked me.

"Yes, I'm-"


I heard the bell for the first strike of midnight.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," I told him, running off.


"At least tell me your name this time!" He shouted.

I didn't listen. I ran away from the castle till I heard the third bell, and my ballgown and glass slippers turned back into my maid clothes and old shoes.

(Back To Present Time)


That day still haunts me to this day.

I wondered what would've happened if Henry had never come and gotten me away from that prince.

He told me they both had a history with rival kingdoms and how Leth wanted to take his kingdom of himself.

I knew he was later defeated and banished from fairy tale land, but I never asked about his whereabouts. I was glad he was far away from me.

Since that day, after the third ball, my prince found me, with the help of my glass slipper, of course.

Then we got married. I met the other famous fairy tale families and started a school called Regal Academy, where I became headmistress.

Weeks after, I gave birth to my one and only daughter Clara, who was sadly banished to earth at 17 after she lost one of our family items, the glass slippers.

Years later, I met my sweet, kind, and clumsy granddaughter Rose Cinderella. She not only goes to Regal Academy but also receives the other glass slippers back, which now belong to her.

Everything was going well today, unknowing that my worst night was about to come true.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now