The New Rose (Edited)

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(Back At The Shadow Realm)


After my grandfather poured the sleeping potion on her head, I picked her up and took her to one of the chambers in the castle.

My grandpa came in after me with a potion in one of his hands and his wand in the other.

"So this potion will make her fall in love with me?" I asked him.

"Not only that, she will forget her past and will also become evil like us. Then when can use her to get revenge on the rest of the cinderella family," He told me.

"You really hate her family, don't you," I told him, surprised.

"It's because of them that we're banished in this stupid realm," He said very angrily.

"Well, let's hurry and do it!" I told him impatiently.

With that, he poured the potion onto his wand and pointed it at her.

A green light came out of his wand, and it surrounded her body and turned her light blonde hair black.

"Did it work?" I asked him.

"Well, her hair changing color is a sign, but we'll know more when she wakes up," He said as he left the room.

I went up to Rose and held her hand.

"Soon, you'll be mine." I thought.

(Back at Regal Academy)


My group and I are sitting in the ceremonial hall (or whatever it's called), wondering where Rose is.

Ambrosia walked past us and winked at Hawk, but all Hawk did was glare at her.

"This doesn't make sense," I told them, breaking the silence.

"I know. It isn't like Rose to run away." Astoria said.

"You don't think Snow Queen took her, do you?" Joy asked, worried.

We all looked at each other.

"No, we can't think that," Hawk told her.

"Yeah, maybe she went shoe shopping and got locked in the building," Travis suggested.

We all stared at him weirdly.

"What? It could happen." He told us.

"I highly doubt that," Astoria said.

As the class was about to start, both Headmistress Cinderella and Professor Snow White came out and asked us to go to Headmistress Cinderella's office.

We all knew why.

(Back At The Shadow Realm)


I held Rose's hand and waited for her to wake up until she did, but something was different.

When she opened her eyes, her sapphire blue eyes turned as green as emeralds.

"What happened? Where am I?" She asked.

"The Dark Castle Rose, you fell and hit your head on something." I lied, not knowing if the spell worked or not.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now