Where's Rose (Edited)

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I was with my team, waiting for Rose.

I wanted to tell Rose I liked her for a long time, but I could never find the right time, or I would get too nervous to say it to her.

But today is the day that courage is on my side, and I tell her how I feel.

While waiting, Ambrosia approached us and asked if I could talk to her for a minute.

I walked with her to what looked like a clearing.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"Oh, I wanted to ask if you had a girlfriend?" She answered.

My face was as red as an apple when she asked that.

"No, I don't," I told her, even though I wanted to say Rose is my girlfriend.

"Why do you ask?" I asked her curiously.

"Well, because... I really like you, Hawk." She told me.

I remember Rose telling me Ambrosia liked me, but I never thought she did.

"I'm sorry, Ambrosia, but I like someone else."

"Let me guess, Rose? What do you even see in her." She said, irritated.

I got mad when she said it like that.

"Of course, Rose is one of the kindest, heroic, brave, and smart in her own way, of course, people I know. And I really like-" I was cut off when she kissed me.

I pulled her away, and I saw someone with blonde hair running away from us. I knew instantly it was Rose.

"Still like her now?" Ambrosia asked in a seductive voice wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Yes." I immediately force her arms away from me and glared at her. "And I'll always will!" I yelled, leaving her speechless.

I ran after Rose and called out her name, but she didn't even bother to look at me. I could hear her sobbing and it broke my heart. I hate seeing her upset.

I kept following her until I suddenly lost her. I looked around but couldn't find her.

I went back to the others who were about to head to class.

"Did you guys see Rose?" I asked them.

"No, but does she know how late she is? I swear when I see that girl, I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind." Astoria gritted her teeth.

I went with the others to class, hoping Rose would come during class, so I could talk to her.

(When School Was Over)


School was over, but there was no sign of Rose. I started to get worried.

"I know Rose can be very late sometimes, but she could never miss an entire day, right?" Ling Ling asked.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Joy said.

"Maybe she's sick," Travis suggested.

"But, then her mom or headmistress cinderella would have told us something earlier," I told him.

I turned to Hawk, who just stood there silently.

Usually, when Rose is missing or in trouble, he gets protective and stops at nothing to ensure she's safe. So that's how I know something is up.

"Hawk, do you know something we don't?" I asked him.

The others looked at him, and he looked red in the face.

"What did you do?" Travis asked him.

He explained what had happened with him, Rose, and Ambrosia, and as he kept talking, I could see him feeling so much guilt.

We all felt terrible for him since we all knew he had a massive crush on Rose, and she liked him too.

"This is all might fault!" He told us.

"No, it's not." Joy reassured him.

"It kind of is," Travis said.

We all glared at him.

"What! It is," He said, defending himself.

We all kept glaring at him.

"I'll stop talking now," He said in defeat.

"She probably needs some time alone." Ling Ling suggested.

"Yeah, you can talk to her tomorrow," I told him.

"Until then, we all better get home before our parents wonder where we are," I said to everyone.

We all parted ways and went home, hoping rose would come tomorrow.

(The Next Day)

I got up really early, as usual, and got ready to go to Regal Academy and it was the first one of my group to get there, as always.

Then I saw Ling Ling and Hawk, who was early as usual.

The three of us talked while waiting for the others.

Soon Travis and Joy joined us, leaving only Rose to come.

Suddenly we saw professor Clara walking towards us.

"Hey, have any of you seen Rose recently," She asked us.

We all shook our heads no.

"We haven't seen her since yesterday morning." I lied.

"Okay," She said. I could tell how worried she was.

She went off, and the others stared at me.

"You remember Hawk was the only one who saw Rose yesterday, right?" Travis asked.

"The last thing we need is for Hawk to get in trouble," I told him while the others nodded.

We all had a bad feeling that something horrible must have happened to Rose for her not to come home.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now