Calm before the Storm (Edited)

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(Next Morning)


"Everyone clear on the plan?" I asked.

"Yes, for the fiftieth time Vicky," Cyrus answered, annoyed. I grunted and slapped Cyrus upside the head.

"Ow!" Cyrus whined, and I rolled my eyes.

"We need this plan to go perfectly, Cyrus," I told him angrily.

"We'll meet back here before the moon rises, right?" I told everyone.

Everyone nodded.

"And before you all go, pour this on your wands in case you run into anyone," I handed everyone a bottle with a potion in it.

What's in it?" Spencer asked.

"You'll find out," I told him with a smirk.

"Everyone ready?" Rose asked.

We all nod and split up into two groups.

Rose, Cyrus, and Kira went together, while I went with Spencer.

'If this doesn't work, all our work will have been all for nothing.' I thought.


As we were walking, we heard a ringing noise.

We all looked at each other to find out it was coming from Kira. She reached into her pocket and took out her magic snow globe.

"Your mom?" Cyrus asked.

"Unfortunately." She said.

She answered, and the three of us saw the Snow Queen.

"Hello, Mother," Kira said.

"Kira, darling. So, is the potion ready?" She asked, turning away from Kira to face me.

"No, Mom. We still need to get the wands, the tear, and the gem, plus we need to make it at night." Kira told her.

"Well, let me know when it's close to being done. I need to choose what to wear when we take over." She hugged up, and I gave Kira a weird look

"Your Mom is weird," I told her.

"I know. All Mom needs me for are her plots to take over fairytale land, be happy your Mom isn't like mine."

I stopped in my track when she said that.

"What is it?" Kira questioned.

"I don't remember my parents. Whenever I try to remember them, my mind gets cloudy."

Kira was shocked by what I said and decided not to say anything, but then I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder.

I looked over to see it was Cyrus.

"It's okay, my parents died when I was little, and I barely remember them at all," he said, as I saw a tear go down his cheek.

"Is that why you always stay at broomstick castle with Vicky and her family?" Kira asked.

He nodded.

I never knew how lazy and bored Cyrus had a soft spot deep down. I felt awful for him.

"So we have a boy whose parents died, a girl whose mother ignores her, and a girl who can't even remember her parents. That's not said at all."

Cyrus and I looked at Kira and shook our heads before we all stood quietly, with tears coming down our eyes, when I realized something.

I took a small tube out of my pocket and collected my tear.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now