First Battle (Edited)

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We flew to where Gigi pointed, knowing he might know where Rose was.

We soon landed near Swan Lake, where we went to find a berribon river lotus for Magister Rapunzel last year.

Gigi ran ahead of us, and we followed him to a clearing with lots of flowers and plants.

He pointed to the spot where there was nothing but burned marks in the middle of the field.

"Please tell me that always been there?" Travis asked, pointing to the spot.

"I think this is where Rose was last," I said to them.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that the snow queen has nothing to do with this," Astoria told us.

We all looked at her, confused.

"If the snow queen took Rose, there would be snow or ice around here." Astoria pointed out.

"She's right." Ling Ling said.

"So then, what happened to her?" Travis asked.

Gigi's ears went down when he asked that, showing he was sad.

I felt guilty knowing that something terrible must have happened to Rose, and it was all my fault.

"Don't worry, Gigi, we'll find Ro-" Joy was about to say when we heard voices coming towards us.

"Quick, hide!" I told the others, and we hid in bushes near us.

We saw three people in cloaks walking toward us, but we couldn't see any of their faces.


"Remind me why we need to wear these?" I asked Vicky and Kira.

"So then, no one will be able to recognize us," Vicky answered.

"But, we're the only ones here, plus I'm not even from this place. Who here would recognize me." I asked them.

"You'll be surprised," Kira said.

"Anyway, come on, we need to find that ghost orchid, and fast if we want to make that potion fast if we want to break that banishment curse," I told them.


We were all hiding, but we all heard what they were saying.

"You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" I whispered to the others.

"Villains." They all whispered.

"But, who are they trying to break to break out of banishment?" Joy asked.

"I don't know, but it's probably bad," Travis said.

"Anyway, we have to stop them from finding that orchid," I told them.

"Well, that's going to be hard for them," Astoria said.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I read that ghost orchids are nearly impossible to find." She told us.

"So it's going to be impossible for them to find one so-" Astoria was about to say but was cut off.

"I found it." One of the cloaked figures said, pointing to the flower.

We all glared at Astoria.

"Hey, I said nearly impossible." She said, trying to defend herself.

"We have to stop them." Ling Ling said.

We all called out our wands and were about to come out when someone stepped on a stick, made it break, and made a loud sound that cloaked figures heard.


I was about to get the ghost iris from the tree when I heard a stick break.

Kira, Vicky, and I turn to see someone get out of the bushes

"Seriously, Travis." A girl with long wavy pink hair with light blue highlights and wearing purple armor said.

"I didn't see it there." A boy with messy navy green hair and wearing red armor said as he also got out of the bush.

"Guys, less arguing, more fighting." A girl with long straight, navy blue hair and wearing orange and red armor said.

Soon, two other people, one with short light green hair, wearing green armor, and a boy with navy blue hair, wearing blue armor, came out of the bushes.

I recognized them from the mirror I saw in Silverbarrow.

"Rose, go get the flower," Vicky whispered to me.

"We'll take care of these lame heroes," Kira said.

I did what Vicky told me and went after the orchid while she and Kira took care of those "Heroes."

I was about to get to the tree when an ice wall stopped me from getting to it.

"You're going to have to get past me if you want that flower." I heard someone say.

I turned to see the blue-haired boy, who pointed his wand at me.

"You just messed with the wrong girl.' I told him and pointed my new wand at him.


He was able to dodge it and shoot magic at me.

"SNOW MAGIC!" He yelled.

I dodged his attack with ease.

"Is that all you got?"

I shot magic at him again, knocking him off his feet.

I took this chance to go over the wall and grab the orchid from the tree.

I was about to go over to Kira and Vicky when someone grabbed my hand.

"You're not going anywhere with that orchid." The blue-haired boy told me.

"Let me go!" I yelled as I tugged my hand out of his, causing the hood of my cloak to come off, and he saw my face and froze.

"R-rose?!" He said, shocked.

I was shocked that he knew my name, but I used this chance to knock him out and put my hood back on and ran toward the others.

"Guys, I got it!" I shouted toward them and saw they were having trouble with the other so-called 'Heroes.'

"About time. Let's get out of here." Vicky said, very annoyed, and the three of us poofed far away from them.


Travis, Ling Ling, Astoria, and I could hold off the two cloaked figures until the third one came with the orchid and disappeared.

"They got away!" Ling Ling said.

"Don't worry, we'll get them next time," Astoria reassured.

"Wait, where's Hawk?" Travis asked.

We all looked around and noticed that Hawk was not with us.

The four of us spread out to look for him.

I found him lying unconscious and ran to shake him to wake him up.

"Guys, I found him!" I yelled as the others came running to me.

I kept shaking Hawk till he finally woke up.

"You ok, bud?" Travis asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said, trying to get up.

"What happened?" I asked

"She knocked me out." He told us.

"The cloaked figure, wait, how do you know she's a she?" Travis asked.

"Because I saw her face, and... it's Rose." He told us.

We were all shocked.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now