Round 2 (Edited)

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Vicky, Kira, and I appeared in front of an old castle ruin.

"Where are we?" Kira asked?

"I have no idea."

We looked at Vicky, who also needed to find out where we were.

The three of us looked around to see many different old statues, paintings, rooms, and other things in the old castle.

"This place looks abandoned," Kira said.

"Thanks for stating the obvious," Vicky said sarcastically.

I went into one of the old rooms that may have been a potions room.

"Hey guys, I think you may want to see this"

They both came and were amazed by what they saw.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Vicky asked us.

"If you're thinking we should make the potion here, then yes," Kira answered.

"But, we shouldn't let Spencer and Cyrus know where we are?" I asked, worried about the love of my life.

"They'll be fine. Anyways, we need to get the last five ingredients for the potion." Vicky said.

"Don't you mean four ingredients?" I told her.

They both looked at me, confused.

"One of the ones we need is light from a full moon, so we need to make the potion during a full moon," I told them, annoyed.

"How did I miss that?" Vicky asked herself.

"That's not the only thing you're missing," I mumbled.

"What did you say?" She asked me angrily.

"Nunya," I told her.

"What's nunya?" She asked.

"None ya business," I told her.

"Ok, you have been annoying me for a long time, Cinder-" She was about to say something but was stopped by Kira, who placed her hand on Vicky's mouth.

"Ok, you two need to take a chill pill and relax. Plus, we need to get that golden hen egg." She told us.

"Whatever," I said and walked away.

But I did wonder what Vicky meant when she said I had been annoying her for a long time. I only met her today, then that blue-haired boy. How did he know my name.


Right after she left, I turned to Vicky.

"What the heck, Vick? If you had finished that sentence, then she would have known something was up," I said.

"First, don't call me Vick. Second I can't help it. She still has that annoying face, and I just want to get rid of her," she told me

"Vicky, she's on our side now. Relaxes, and let's go get that hen egg." I told her.

"Whatever," She said and walked out.

"This is going to be a long day," I told myself and walked out of the room.


"Are you sure it was Rose?" Travis asked.

"I think he would have known if it was Rose Travis." Ling Ling told him.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now