Uh oh (Edited)

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"So let me get this straight, one of the villains we've been fighting, trying to break a villain out of banishment, and beating our butts, is our friend Rose?" Travis asked, shocked and confused.

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up, Travis," Hawk said.

The six of us, including Shawn, are talking with the teachers about what's been happening in the school.

"Are you all sure it's Rose?" Dr. LeFrog asked.

"I think we would know what our friend looks like," I told him.

"But, why is Rose trying to break someone out of banishment, and who is she trying to break out." Professor Clara asked.

"That's the problem," I said.

Everyone just stared at me.

"Think about it. Rose Cinderella, the most outgoing, cheerful, caring, and bubbly person, there's no way she would do anything like this in any universe." I explained.

"Astoria is right." Ling Ling said.

"She's being controlled," Hawk said.

"And how do you that Hawk?" Professor Snow White asked her grandson.

"Rose's hair was black, and her eyes were green," I told her.

"He's right, Astoria, and I saw it too," Shawn commented.

"Maybe she was sick of blonde hair, so she dyed it," Travis suggested.

"Then explain her eyes?" Joy asked.

"She decided to wear green colored contacts," Travis suggested again.

"Umm, Travis, Rose doesn't have or where contacts." Professor Clara claimed.

"Anyway, we need to find out who she's trying to break out of banishment." Headmistress Cinderella said.

"But how." My granny said.

"What about what she's collecting," Joy suggested.

"Joy, you a genius!" I told her.

"I am?" she asked.

"If we know what spell she's making, we can know what she's getting next, then we can touch her," I told them.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go," Hawk said, sprinting out of the room.

"3... 2... 1," I said, then pointed to the door.

Hawk then walked back into the room, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed.

"Um....... where are we going," he asked shyly.

We all laughed.


The girls and I returned to our little hideout with the lionfish spike.

"Hey, Vicky, didn't you say that the lionfish spikes are deadly?" I asked her since she was holding it.

"Yes, why do you ask?" She asked.

"Because you're holding the spike with your bare hands," I told her.

"It's the top of the spike that's poisonous, not the entire thing." She said, irritated.

"Sorry, didn't know," I told her.

We got to the old castle and placed the spike with the ghost orchid and golden egg.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now