Heart Break (Edited)

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(By the way, this happened while the snow queen was still around. Kira is still a student and is on Vicky's team, Ling Ling is on Rose's team, and Ambrosia is a student and is on Shawn's team, unfortunately.)

(In Who Knows Where)

(??? POV:)

"Ugh, that stupid girl got away with everything, yet she doesn't even deserve it," I said, looking at a mirror showing me Cinderella. Because of her, I got banished to this ridiculous place.

"You're spying on that princess Cinderella again, aren't you, grandpa?" my grandson asked.

"Yes, my one and only grandson. She got to become headmistress of a school called Regal Academy and had a child and a grandchild." I told him, showing the reflection of Clara and Rose.

"Wait, who is that!" he asked, pointing at Rose.

"Oh, that's her granddaughter Rose Cinderella," I answered, and he looked starstruck.

"She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," he said.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yes, I think I'm in love with her," he told me.

"This girl?" I asked, pointing to Rose, still not being sure.

"Yes, grandpa, I want her for myself," he said.

"I think there's a way to make that possible," I said to him.

(Back On Earth)


"Come on, Gigi, I'm so late. Astoria is going to kill me." I told my pet mouse as I ran to the alley to get to Regal Academy.

"Oh, I'm never gonna hear the end of it from Astoria," I thought.

I pulled out my key and said the magic words when we arrived.

"Key of portals open wide, in your power I confide, manifest the light inside!" the key made a door, and I went through it.

"Yes! I finally got it right!" I thought to myself. I ran with Gigi on my shoulder to Regal Academy.

I found my friends sitting together in our usual spot.

"Ugh! where is Rose?" I heard Astoria say.

"Probably shopping for shoes." I heard Travis say.

The others laughed at that.

"She definitely has a problem," Joy said.

"She can't even go five seconds without having to talk about shoes or anything for her fairytale collection, then she'll probably falling on something." Ling Ling said.

"She's so clumsy, always tripping or hitting things or people," Astoria commented.

They all laugh again.

I tried not to cry cause of what I was hearing, but then I noticed Hawk wasn't there.

He must've been chased by his fan girls again.

I decided to look for him since I didn't have anything better to do.

I really like Hawk. He's loyal, heroic, and one of the kindest people I know. I've wanted to tell him that I like him, but he might think I was all one of his fan girls if I did.

I soon came across a clearing where I heard voices; one sounded like Hawk. Still, I couldn't figure out the other, so I followed it to see Hawk talking to Ambrosia, who I knew had a huge crush on Hawk.

"I wondered what they're talking about."

Suddenly I saw her kiss Hawk on the lips, and he kissed back.

I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

I didn't know what to do, so I ran away crying.

While I was running, I heard someone say my name. I knew it was Hawk, but I didn't care.

After he told me he didn't like her, but then he kissed her right in front of me, I felt like I was stabbed right in the back.

I didn't care where I was going, I just wanted to get far away from him and everyone, till all of a sudden, I fell into a hole.

I kept falling till I hit the ground very hard.

"Now I know what happens when there is no one to catch you when you fall," I said.

I stood up to see a very dark place, where the plants almost looked dead, and saw the eyes of animals in the shadows.

I looked in front of me to see a dark spooky castle, and I saw two people walking out and coming up to me.

"Are you alright?" the young one who looked around my age asked me.

"I'm fine," I told him, rubbing my face, not wanting to show any tears.

"My name is Spencer, and this is my grandfather, King Seth," he told me, pointing to his grandpa.

"Nice to meet you both. My name is Rose." I told them both

"Oh, we know." King Seth told me

"Well, that's not weird!" I sarcastically thought to myself.

"Where am I anyway?"

"Your in the Shadow realm." Spencer told me.

"Oh, well, can you tell me how to return to fairytale land? I don't want my granny of parents to get worried about me?" I asked.

"This is your home now." Spencer told me.

Before I could say anything, I felt something hit my head, and I blacked out.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now