New Problems (Edited)

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I lead Spencer and Cyrus to the old castle where Vicky and Kira are waiting for us.

"What took you all so long?" Vicky asked.

"It's a long story," I told her.

"No, it isn't. Rose got ambushed by Hawk and Ling Ling, Spencer got her out of there, and now here we are," Cyrus said.

Vicky sends a glare at me.

"Thanks, Cyrus," I said sarcastically.

"No problem." He said, not even caring that I was staring daggers at him.

"Anyway, do you have them?" Kira asked the guys.

"Yep," Spencer said as he grabbed a small bag out of his pocket.

Vicky, Kira, and I looked at him, confused.

"Where are they?" Vicky asked.

"In there," Cyrus said.

"Cyrus, I'm not stupid. How can six things fit inside that little bag?" She asked.

"It being enchanted," Cyrus answered.

Spencer put his whole arm in the bag, which looked like his arm had disappeared. He pulled out the mimosa pollen, dragon scale, vixen hair, baneberry, viper tongue, and fairy dust.

"Cool!" I said.

"So that's all of them, right?" Spencer asked.

"There are only two more things we need to get," Kira told him.

"Which ones?" he asked.

"The amethyst and the tear," I told him.

"We should get the gemstone tomorrow since it's already late at night, plus the dragon who guards it is at full strength at night," Vicky suggested.

We all agreed.


"Silverbarrow is a special realm made for the evilest villains of all time. Once they were banished there, they could never get out and would use their own magic unless a very special potion was made for the villain to get out of banishment." I read out loud.

"How come we never heard of it," Joy asked.

"Probably because it was an old spell to use since we have the portal now to banish villains to earth." Ling Ling suggested, and I agreed.

"So that means whatever villain evil Rose is trying to break out is worst than the Snow Queen. And we all know how powerful the Snow Queen is." Shawn said.

"Not to mention Rose's new evil friends and boyfriend," Travis added.

"Travis!" The four of us said, annoyed.

We all turned to look at Hawk sitting by a window, far away from us. We knew he didn't want to talk about Rose's, you know what.

"Oh, right." He said, now knowing what he's done.

Hawk turned his head and saw us staring at him.

"What?" He asked

"Nothing!" We all shouted.


"Stay away from my girlfriend!"

The sentences keep echoing through my mind. The more I hear it, the more my heart breaks.

This must be how Rose felt when she saw Ambrosia kiss me, heartbroken.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now