Chapter 1

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It's been a week since Brandy moved out and signed over the lease to me. I was a little apprehensive about it at first but after a few days of thinking about it I knew that I could afford to live here on my own. Besides I had six months of free rent. Thanks to my girl Brandy. That would give me more then enough time to save up and put another six month worth of rent up when it was time. She allowed me to keep the furniture she had bought also and I was more then greatful for that as well. I knew that eventually I would want to change it but it was fine how it was for now. She was right I loved it here and I planned on staying for a long ass time.

My body was sore form all the hours I put in at work. And I was starving but didn't know if I was cooking tonight. I had so much running through my mind including Eddy. Why haven't he called me by now. It's been weeks since we last spoke at the hospital. Maybe he had changed his mind about this whole thing. I was fine if he had. I wasn't opposed to just being friends. Maybe that's what it should just be then. I hated feeling as if I was pressuring anyone to do anything. Sighing I went into the bathroom and ran some water. Maybe tonight I'd pamper myself. Just as I slid into the tub my phone begin to ring. I stayed with my phone close by in case of emergencies.

"Hello?" It was Brandy.

"How is the place treating you so far?" I smiled. I haven't heard from her since the day she left. I never called her she was the one to always call me. I had to learn how to be more considerate when it came to that. This was a two way friendship not just one. It all went back to me not wanting to be a bother though. I knew that she and Nancy had just made up and was still trying to get through things and I didn't want to be a bother while they worked on themselves.

"It's good. Very quiet."

"Don't I know it. Your ass barely talk anyway and now it's just gone be you and your thoughts." I sighed. "What's wrong?"

"Me and my thoughts aren't friends at the moment. I'm an overthinker and all this quietness is going to drive me crazy."

"You can always come and chill with me and Nancy."

"I'm not trying to cramp y'all style."

"Cut that out. I haven't seen you in years. I wanna spend more time with you. You gotta meet Nancy's family also. What's mine is yours. If I'm in this discombobulated family then so are you." She said making me laugh. She was always the joker.

"My family is not discombobulated." I heard Nancy say laughter in her voice.

"Anyway. With the talk of family. Nancy's mom invited us to a cookout and you're coming."

"I'm just coming. No invitation?" I said smiling.

"Why invite you? You're part of the family now. So it's a yes?"

"Do I have a choice?"


"Then I'll be there. When is it?"

"In two weeks."

"I'm there."

"Cool. Imma let you go. I know how your ass don't like to talk for long." I chuckled. She was right about that. I forgot how much she knew me. "Oh one more thing."

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