Chapter 11

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"That's Evelyn's car." I said and she gave my hand a tug. "Let's follow them." That was a great idea. We slid in the car and begin following them sure to keep a distance away so it wouldn't be suspicious. Who the hell was this guy and why was he with my sister? As we drove I begin to realize that we were going somewhere familer to me. We were going to Evelyn's house. I parked on the side of the road when I seen them park on her driveway.

"Maybe that's her boyfriend. Didn't you say she had one?"

"I was taking a wild guess with that because she always disappeared at times."

"Well I guess your hunch was right. She doesn't seem in distress." She was right. In fact we watched as they kissed each other. This Rodney guy was now walking our way. Once he got to us he leand down with that same wide ass smile.

"How bout y'all come inside. It's hot out here." Bonnie laughed.

"He knew we was following him." Although she found it funny I sure didn't. I slid out the car glaring at the guy but Bonnie quickly grabbed my hand. "We don't need unnecessary drama Mr." She was right but that didn't make me any less pissed. Who did this guy think he was. He walked behind us as we entered my sisters house. She came over greeting us.

"Hey. I'm glad y'all are here. I need to talk to y'all." She said smiling as she waved us into the kitchen.

"Your house is beautiful Evelyn."

"Thank you."

"Although she's never here to actually stay in it." I said smartly.

"Well that's because I stay at my other house." She said smartly back.

"You have an other house?" Bonnie asked suprised.

"I have two other houses actually."

"Why no one else know about these other two houses?" I asked.

"Because I'm grown and I bought it with my own money." I glared at her but it didn't phase her.


"Aww look at you two having a brother and sister moment." I teased feeling the tension. At that moment Rodney walked in. "I know we followed ya'll here but I'm pretty sure ya'll wanted us to. What's up?"

"You're smart. Because you're right." Rodney said. "Well we wanted to help out with these three guys that call themselves looking for you." He begin.

"How do you know about that?" I asked.

"Evelyn. She came to me and asked for my help?"

"You did?"

"Yes. You helped me with that woman at the grocery store and this is my way of saying thank you."

"Aww thank you. I can use all the help I can get."

"How you two know each other?" Eddy asked. He was pissed about something.

"That matters right now?" Evelyn asked.

"Yes it does. Why do you look familiar?" I watched as Evelyn begin to grow a worried look on her face.

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