Chapter 12

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Once I parked the car Bonnie tried to grab the three bags we had but I stopped her.

"I got that."

"Okay." She said with a chuckle. "I'll go open the door." I smiled as I watched her walk to the door. Not paying attention one of the bags got caught on the door ripping open. Next thing I know I hear a loud thud. Dropping the bags I take off to the house. "Eddy!" Getting to the door I see a man in a black mask hovering over her. I take off towards them dodging him just in time as he swung a knife at me. I wanted to get to Bonnie because she wasn't moving but I knew I would have to take this guy out first. He was fast and cut my arm with the knife. "The guy Eddy." I heard her say. Remembering that I had her gun I pulled it out pointing it at him.

"I'll blow your fucking brains out if you move an inch." He froze holding his hands up. "Drop the knife." He tossed it to the side and I went to him hitting him in the head with the butt of the gun and he fell to the ground. I pulled off his mask. It was Rider. I pulled out my phone calling Rodney.


"I got this Rider guy here at Bonnie's place. I'm tying him up and taking Bonnie to the hospital."

"Is she okay?"

"She hit her head. She might have a concussion."

"I'm on my way."

Making sure this guy had no other weapons I tied him up and grabbed Bonnie making our way to the hospital. She was in and out in a daze the whole ride there.

"I got you. You're going to be okay." I said as I sped to the hospital. Once there I carried her inside and when a nurse seen me she rushed into action without question.

"What happened?" The doctor asked.

"She hit her head."

"Oh my God it's Bonnie." The nurse said as she ran beside her

"How you know her?" I asked.

"She works here." She said just before disappearing down the hall. Not even five minutes later and Brandy and Nancy was rushing through the doors.

"How is she?" Brandy asked.

"She hit her head. She was going in and out on the ride here." I must look a mess because she came a patted me on the chest.

"She's going to be okay. That girl is strong. A little bump on the head is not stopping her." I prayed that she was right. We all waited and about an hour later in walked Rodney and Evelyn.

"How is she?" Evelyn asked. Just as she asked that the doctor came out.

"Who do I talk to about Bonnie Chadwick?" He asked.

"All of us." I said and he gave a nod.

"She's stable. She hit her head pretty hard and she does have a concussion. She will have to stay here a few night so that we can keep an eye out for her." I heard as Brandy breath a sigh of relief. "She has brusing and swelling but she is expected to make a full recovery. "All of you can go see her but please let it be short she needs to rest." He added. We all followed behind him to the room. I noticed the tattoo on his forearm. He was an army brat so? "Here we are. Please make it quick." She looked as if she was just sleep.

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