Chapter 13

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The next morning Brandy came to see Bonnie but the worried look on her face hurt me to see. I take it Evelyn didn't tell her what happened.

"Did you tell Evelyn what happened?" I silently asked Rodney.

"I haven't had time. We've been here all night." I sighed as Brandy came walking towards me. I knew with all the police tape was scaring her even more. I was glad Nancy wasn't with her right now.

"You better not tell me my girl is dead." She said tears already in her eyes.

"She's not."


"She was kidnapped." She placed her hands over her mouth to keep from crying out.

"Ho-how?" She stummered. "I thought you was supposed to be watching her?"

"I stepped out for a few hours. Just a few hours and it all happened then."

"What happened to the whole damn staff? The fuckin cop that was supposed to be here? No one seen shit?"

"No it was all planned. No one seen anything. The cameras seen it though."

"Who took her?"

"Doctor Smith."

"What? He hired her. How is he connected to this? Why would he harm her?"

"It's best if I don't say anything else. We're going to get her back. I promise."

"I need to see for myself." I gave a nod allowing her to go to the room to find it empty. She sat on the chair and broke down.

"She's strong. She's not going to allow some damn doctor to hurt her." She didn't respond she looked at her phone and seen that Nancy was calling. She wipped her tears and tried to brace herself before answering.


"How is she? I know I was supposed to come..." Right then she broke down again and she hung up. She couldn't even talk. The woman that did nothing but talk was at lost for words. Her phone begin to ring again but she ignored it. I knew that she wouldn't be able to form any words. My heart went out to her. Going to her I took the phone answering it. "What's wrong?" Was the first thing she asked once I answered.

"It's me."

"Eddy? Where's Brandy? What happened?" I could hear her moving around. Probably dressing getting ready to come here.

"Bonnie was kidnapped."


"I need you to come here with Brandy."

"No need to. I'm going home." She said as she stood. She took her phone. "I'm on my way home." Hanging up she stared me in my face. "You better find my sister. And she better be okay. I told her that you would keep her safe.  She trusted you. She believed me when I told her that you would protect her and now she's gone." Tears slid down her face. "Find my fuckin sister Eddy."

"I will." With that she walked away.


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