Chapter 8

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"You doing it again Bon." Was the text I got from Brandy. It's been a week since we've spoke in the brake room and still haven't been to talk to her or go to one of these sessions she wanted me to go to. Truth was I didn't think talking to a complete stranger was going to help me. What words could they tell me to make me be and feel okay. It just didn't make since to me. Right then I understood how Eddy felt about going to talk to a stranger. And speaking of Eddy it's now been two weeks since I last seen him. I knew he was worried but what did I say to him? How was I going to sleep with a man and have to worry about waking up in the middle of the night from a bad dream. I didn't want him to see that part of me. I sighed. I hated that I was allowing myself to fall apart and nothing has happened. I was just so afraid that it would happen.

"Me and Nancy is having lunch together. Come over. I know it's your day off." I sighed. This girl just would not quit.

"Okay." Was all I texted before getting dressed. I just didn't want to be grilled about anything. I would just have to let her know to leave me along about it.

"We're at the trucking site. Where Allic works. He's joining us." Was the text I read as I made my way to the door.

"Text me the address." I was there in fifteen minutes and they were no where in site. I knew I was in the right place because there was mad trucks in the lot. Just as I stepped out the car Brandy appeared a big smile on her face.

"Hey girl." She said happily giving me a hug as if she haven't seen me in years. "I have to bug you to come out in order to spend time with me. But that's okay because I don't mind pressuring you." I laughed. She sure didn't care about pressuring me. And she was the only one I would allow it from. I followed her to a room and suprisingly I seen Eddy there. I gave him a small nod and continued behind Brandy.

"Why didn't you tell me that Eddy was here?" I wishpered beside her.

"I didn't know I had to. You two not speaking now?"

"I've just been avoiding him."

"I see. He's just here to do buisness with his mother." He always do odd jobs for her once in a blue."

"I see." I followed inside once Brandy opened a door to what I assumed was an office. Once inside Allic stood and came and gave me a hug and as soon as I got a whif of his colon I pulled away.

"You okay?" He asked worried.

"That's not the same colon."

"Yeah I changed it. I'm assuming you don't like it." He joked but I just frowned more.

"You okay girl?" Brandy asked concerned.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm good."

"You look as if you're ready to throw up." Just then a knock came and in stepped Eddy. He walked straight to me.

"Can we talk?" He asked and I frowned at him.

"You're wearing the same colon?"

"He asked to borrow some." Allic explained.

"Are you okay?"


I reached for her but she pulled away.

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