Chapter 23

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It's been a day since the whole thing with Dillan. It's been less then twenty four hours since I finally begin feeling like myself again. I was finally able to relax after so long, but that relaxation feeling was shortly lived because I still had to deal with seeing Brandy and everyone else. I wondered if she would be angry with me or take me into her arms. But I had to push that thought away because Eddy was still in the hospital. The blows to the back had really done him in. He had to temporarily go back into a wheelchair and although he hated doing so he sucked it up. They had given him pain killers and sent him on his way home. He let out a frustrated breath when he climbed in bed.

"I'm sorry for this. It's all my fault."

"Cut that out. None of this is your fault. It's the three men that are now locked up fault but it's cool they're paying for what they did to you and that's all that matters." I smiled as I slid into to bed with him. I was so tired myself. Not just physically but mentally also. I knew I needed to catch up on some much needed sleep. It didn't take long for me to does off. I was back where I wanted and needed to be. I woke to the bed being empty and the smell of bacon filled my nose. I looked towards the kitchen to find Eddy cooking. He was shirtless. I haven't seen this man cook since knowing him. I sat up stretching then slid out of bed. He didn't acknowledge me until I begin walking his way then I caught movement from the corner of my eye and jumped out of my skin.

"Hello Bonnie."

"Rider?" What the hell was going on? I looked towards Eddy to find him gone and by the time I looked back towards Rider he was in my face and he quickly wrapped his hand around my neck. The fear was so overwhelming. "Noooooo. Stop..."

"Bonnie. Bonnie wake up." My eyes flew open and I jumped out of the bed. "Bonnie..." Realizing that I was dreaming I sinked onto the floor trying to calm my breathing. Eddy came by my side and I forced myself to stand. These men were still hunting me but now it was in my sleep. "You were just dreaming. Come here." He pulled me onto his lap and I rest my head on his shoulder. I didn't want him to see me like this but God only knew how greatful I was to have him right now. I didn't know if I would be able to do this on my own.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize for something you can't control." I excused myself to the bathroom taking a cold shower. I guess night sweats was something I could add to my trauma. I sighed. Something told me that I still had a long ass healing process ahead of me. Exiting the bathroom I made my way back to the bed laying next to Eddy and he pulled me back into his arms. Boy did I miss this.

"When do you want to do your reappearing act on Brandy and the others?" He asked me and the sound of Brandys name made me smile.

"I miss my girl. The sooner the better."

"Tomorrow it is then."

I sighed as I waited at Brandys front door. Please don't hate me girl. I thought as I waited. I listened. It sounded as if a party was going on inside. That was weird because there was no other cars there but here's and Nancy's. I knocked harder then ranged there bell and waited. Seconds later the door flew open and the shocked looked on Brandys face would have been fund considering the situation. She dropped whatever it was that was in her arms.and it landed on the ground with a big thud. She just continued to stare at me. I was afraid to move. Afraid to speak. Once Nancy came and seen me also she screeched witch was the first sound anyone has made since Brandy opened the door. She stepped in front of Brandy and touched my face. I guess to see if I was real. She to was at lost for words. She arched a brow up at me and I smiled.

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