Chapter 16

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"Wow look who actually came out."  Rachel said. She was the first to see us.

"I think that was meant for the both of us." I said to Eddy. He laughed.

"Maybe or probably just meant for me. I barely come out anymore."

"Well at least you're out today. Your mom has a beautiful home."

"Everyone does besides me."

"Don't worry your time will come."

"You believe that?"

"Yes why not? Think positive." Everyone came our way.

"Glad to see your out and about also." Brandy said to me.

"I know. Just been chillin. You know me."

"Yeah I do. Come here I have someone I want you to meet." Curious I followed behind her. I could feel Eddy watching me. "Bryce this is my girl Bonnie. She's a nurse and do in house work."

"You trying to get me a job or hook me up with someone girl?" I joked as I shook his hand. "Hi nice to meet you."

"Same here. I actually was looking for a nurse for my mom. Life's been hard on her lately and figured a live in nurse would be good for her."

"Ah I actually have a case I'm doing now. I have no idea when I would be able to accept a new case right now."

"That's fine. If you can recommend me to someone that would be great."

"I can actually. There's a woman I use to work with at the hospital. She is actually out of work." She had quit after what happened to me. She was too nervous to stay there. "Her name is Brittany. I'm afraid I can't give you her number but if you can meet up for coffee tomorrow morning I'll drag her along with me. She's great at what she does. She actually taught me a thing or two."

"That would be great." He said beaming. We spoke a little longer and I went along enjoying the party. I looked around for Eddy but he was nowhere to be found. I figured he was trying to enjoy the party also.

"Want a drink?" I turned finding Nancy behind me.

"No thank you I'm the designated driver."

"I see. I wanna thank you for what you're doing with my brother. I see progress in him every time he actually comes out."

"It's no problem at all."

"So can I ask you a more personal question?" She wanted to know how I felt about her brother. I could see the question all in her eyes.

"Sure can."

"Are you and my brother together?"

"It's still a working progress."

"It's been months."

"Yeah well I like to move really slow." I said not knowing what else to say.

"I see. Well Brandy said..."

"Ummm Brandy... is that why you're over here asking me these questions. Brandy put you up to it?"

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