Chapter 18

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I had remembered to call Rodney but found that he was with David out hunting Rider and the doc. Evelyn didn't bother to tell me he was gone. But I understood. She didn't even know about Bonnie being back in the hospital until Racheal called her. She rushed right over.

"Bonnie." She went to her bedside taking her hand in hers and did a little prayer. She took a deep breath. I knew she was fighting back tears. "You've been through so much girl." She begin. "I need you to get through this last one. We caught two of them just the other day. My brother and Rodney. We getting them for you girl just like we promised. Just one more. I need you to fight so you can be there when they're prosecuted. They're never getting out after what they done. You winning girl." She leaned over kissing her forehead. "I just got you as my sister girl. You better not leave this earth. We just getting started." She looked over at me forcing a smile. "She's gonna pull through this."

"I know she will."

"You've been praying?" She asked.


"Why are there people like this in the world?"

"I don't know sis. I wish I knew." I said with a sigh. She took a seat and begin praying again.

I came back and forth for the past two days but on the third day I wasn't allowed to go in.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I was instructed to not allow anyone in Bonnie's room." The nurse said.

"Why? Is she okay?"

"She's fine and that's the only thing I'm allowed to tell you."

"I don't understand. For the pass two days I've been coming here. What's different today?"

"I'm sorry sir no one is allowed in." I was pissed but I knew I had to follow there rules. I immediately called Brandy.

"They won't allow me to see Bonnie. They said she's okay but I can't see her."

"I'm on my way." Fifteen minutes later and she was walking in. And just like me they wouldn't allow her to see Bonnie.

"Just tell me she's still alive." She begged.

"Just wait here." The nurse said.

"This is bullshit. Why won't you tell me if she's okay."

"I'm sorry Brandy. I'm only following orders."

"She's my sister."

"You're not blood related. Only relatives are allowed in."

"I'm as close to family that she has. What are you hiding? Do I have to call my lawyer?"

"No." The woman sighed. I could tell she was in distress.

"Brandy, maybe it's best if we waited." I said and was happy that she agreed.

"I just don't understand this. It's never been a problem to go see her before." About twenty minutes later the doctor came in. She had a frown on her face. My heart sanked because I knew before she said anything. Brandy was already standing in front of her. The first two words she said was I'm sorry and Brandy lost it wheling and falling to the floor.

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