Chapter 21

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I woke to a hand caressing my back. I smiled knowing it was Eddy. Im so glad I made the decision to come back to him but reality was coming back and Dillan was still out there. I knew that Rider was going to contact him. I knew that the cops had the phones wired and I prayed that's all it took to catch him but in case not I was prepared for a fight. I opened my eyes smiling at the man I've fallen in love with.

"Good morning." I said as he leand over kissing me. He pulled me up placing me on his lap.

"Just had to make sure I wasn't dreaming."

"No you weren't." I gave a small peek on the lips then slid off him making sure to lock his wheelchair before making my way towards the bathroom.

"Old habits die hard." He said and I looked at him confused. "You just locked my wheelchair chair for me."

"Um. I guess so." I said smiling. It was easy to fall back to the habit that I didn't mined doing. After exiting the bathroom I made breakfast but froze when someone knocked on the door. I went into the bathroom while Eddy answered the door.

"You have company down here brother?" Allic asked as he made his way down. Aww I missed Allic. He was the sweetest person in the world.

"No just me bro." I listened as he suddenly stopped.

"Since when do you cook?"

"Thought I'd finally start. Can't be ordering out all my life." Eddy said.

"And you made this?" Allic questioned. That man was smart. I knew that he knew there was someone down here with him.


"Lier." He said laughing. "Your ass can't cook. Who's down here with you?" He whispered.

" No one."

"It's cool that you have someone down here just surprised is all."


"Never thought you'd get over Bonnie. That woman brung the best out of you. Still can't believe she's gone." He said in a sad voice. "And every time I come down here thoughts of her hit me. But it's good to see you moving on bro. It's been what, a year?"

"Something like that."

"What's her name?"


"The woman that's down here with you."

"None of your business." Eddy said laughing.

"So there is someone down here. Is it serious?"

"Very serious yes."

"Really?" Allic asked surprised. "How come I never met her?"

"Just not ready to show her around to everyone just yet."

"I understand. Just so you know... And I mean this respectfully. She'll never be Bonnie."

"She can hear you."

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