Chapter 6

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I finally had another day off work and the first thing I did when I left the house was go to Starbucks. I needed my coffee. Still haven't managed to get me a coffee maker. Lord knows I needed one. Just as I entered I looked to my left to see no other then Brandy sitting there in her phone. She looked up and spotted me beaming from ear to ear. I knew I had to go talk to my girl. I ordered my drink and made my way over.

"When we gone chill together?" Was the first thing out her mouth. 

"Hey to you to." I said sarcastically. My girl was always the life of the party but I never seen her this bubbly before. I still remembered the day she visited us in Canada and how heart broken she was. Now you wouldn't be able to tell she was ever hurt. I wondered if she was truely happy or was it in some form of a facade. Either way I was happy to be able to see her more often.

"My bad girl. How you been?"

"Workin work and more work." I said with a sigh.

"I hear you. Although I've learned to take brakes from my job it can still be overwhelming."

"Tell me about it. So where's Nancy?"

"Breakfest date with her sisters."

"I see. How are you two though?"

"We good girl. It's been a roalicoaster but finally beginning to level out."

"You seem more happy."

"I am. Truely am. Not just saying that."

"Long as you're happy I'm happy."

"Are you really happy though?"

"I am." I said as I took a breath. I honestly was witch was a suprise after all I been through I never thought that I would get to this point again in my life.

"I see your glow and felt that ahora when you walked through the door. That's why I looked up. You having sex?" I bust out laughing. Leave it to Brandy to call out the obvious. She was embarrassing but in a funny way.

"None of your buisness." She gasped.

"You are having sex. Girl is it Eddy?" I looked down at my cup and she gasped again. "I thought you hated him."

"Stop with the gasps. And no I don't hate him. I was angry but got over it."

"I see." She said too happy. "So, give me details."

"I'm not giving you details about my sex life Brandy."

"Not the sex but how did it happen though. Last I seen you had a gun pointed at his foot."

"It was when he found out I was going on a date with Allic. He grew possessive I guess. Not in no bad way." I said after seeing the look on her face. "I mean before I found out that he was this Bear character I was already liking him. And I was already willing to go all the way with him if you get my drift." She nodded her head.

"Well he was persistent and he was always sexy to me and he came to my door one night and kissed me and the rest is history."

"Oooooooh. So what does this mean? Ya'll dating?"

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