Chapter 2

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"I met your friend Brandy." Evelyn said as we all ate breakfast at Nancy's and Brandys place. I was so glad that Brandy was no longer afraid of me. I kicked myself everyday after what I did to her. I would never forgive myself.

"Really where at?"

"A few days ago this woman attacked me at the grocery store..."

"What woman?" We all asked at the same time.

"I take it she didn't tell you."

"She told me nothing." Brandy said.

"Well this big crazy woman attacked me in the grocery store. She said I bumped into her and she wanted me to apologize to her. Witch I didn't even touch her so I refused to apologize for something I didn't do. So the woman pushed me and I can't lie I was afraid of her, but next thing I know your friend came out of nowhere and kicks the woman's ass. She broke her leg."

"What? My girl Bon did that?"

"Yup at first she shoved her making her fall and when the woman came back up she kicked her in the knee making her brake it. I heard the bone crack and everything. I was in too much of a shock to care about the woman's broken leg at the time but now I hope she's okay."

"Well if my girl Bonnie broke her leg she deserved that shit." Brandy said defensively.

"She said she thought I was Nancy. I could tell I wasn't who she thought I was when she looked at me. I was still grateful for her help. No telling what that woman who have done if she wasn't there."

"I'm glad she was there to." Brandy said. "Like me she has no family. I told her she can squeeze her ass into this one. Y'all cool with that?"

"I'm definitely cool with it." Evelyn said.

"Me to." Nancy said smiling. "The more girls the better."

"What about you Bear. You cool with it?" Brandy asked me. Were they talking about the same Bonnie that I knew? The same nurse that I couldn't stop thinking about? The ex army brat? "Bear?"

"Ah yeah I'm cool with it. You know me."

"Yeah I do. You two are just alike. She's the female version of you. I can't wait to introduce you two."

"I was thinking of introducing her to Allic." Evelyn said and my head snapped in her direction. "He's been lonely lately..."

"He wouldn't be able to handle a woman like her." I blurted before I could stop myself. Embarrassed I stood and walked out. I couldn't do with the stares right now.

"What was that about?" Nancy asked.

I didn't want my brother coming onto Bonnie. Like I said he wouldn't be able to handle a woman like her. She needed someone stronger. Not that my brother was weak, but they just wouldn't fit. Not how we would. I sighed. Why the fuck did I care if they dated? I had my chance to be with her and I blew it. I don't know. Maybe they did deserve each other.

"I'll see y'all later." I called out. "Imma go."

"Byyyeee." They said at the same time. I'd find someone else. She wasn't the only woman out in the world. Once I got home I went straight to the room. I wasn't in the mood to talk right now.
Or maybe I was. I pulled out my phone and dialed Bonnie's number.

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