Chapter 14

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I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. Today was supposed to be a happy day for me. Bonnie getting out of the hospital. I was supposed to be at her place with her but instead I was at my brother's house sulking. God knows I wanted to be happy but I couldn't. Finding out that I may never be able to walk again took a toll on me. I just wanted to disappear from everything. Everyone came to see me but I wasn't ready to see anyone. This was all new to me and I didn't need the pity looks right now. I sighed. What reason did I have to live for now? Who would want me if I couldn't walk?


I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. I had Brandy to drop me off at Allic house. Although she didn't feel right doing so I was glad that she didn't argue with me this time. She told me that Eddy didn't want to see anyone right now. That he isolated himself in his room. Well he had no choice but to see me. I needed to thank him for saving me. I smiled at Allic once he opened the door.

"Bonnie? This is a suprise." He stepped aside allowing me to come in but I froze.

"You don't have that colon on do you?"

"No. I threw it away after what had happened."

"You didn't have to I..."

"No it's okay. You feeling safe and not being triggered is way more important then a bottle of colon. Come in."

"Thank you." I walked in and looked around. Everyone had nice big ass houses. "I don't mean to co.e here unannounced but Brandy told me what happened to Eddy and I wanted to come see him."

"Yeah he's been depressed since he found out that he may not be able to walk again." I lowered my head.

"It's not your fault Bonnie. The men that hurt you. It's all there fault. No one else's. I can show you yo his room but I don't know ow if he'll want to see you. He hasn't come out since he's going home. I sighed. I still wanted to try. I followed him down a hall. "His room use to be upstairs but ever since his injury he wanted to say in the basement. It's easier since there's a ramp that leads outside.

"I see." He swung the door open that lead downstairs.

"I don't want any company." The bear tone voice said. Allic was about to announce that it was me but I shook my head stopping him. He gave a nod and closed the door behind me after I begin walking down the stairs. I heard as he sighed when he heard footsteps coming his way.

"No one ever listens to me." He mumbled. Ignoring that I looked around. When he said basement I expected it to be wet and have some kind of a mildew smell to it but it was more of a mini apartment. Scratche the mini it was a big ass apartment. Shit I'd live down here. I finally made it to his bed where he was laying down a frown on his face witch turned into shock when he seen it was me.

"Isolating yourself I see."


"How are you feeling?"

"Could be better." I gave a small smile as I slid off my sneakers and claimed into bed with him. I gave him a kiss then laid next to him. He was smiling. That was good.

"Hope this is okay."

"It's more then okay." I wrapped my arm around his waist and dosed off. I knew he wasn't ready to talk so sleep was more then okay with me. I woke from movement and seen as he was trying to get into his wheelchair. Eddy was a man that did for himself. Asking if he needed help was a no no but just getting up to help him would be better although he may still give me hell. I slid out of bed walk to the wheelchair and locked the wheels. 

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