Chapter 22

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I knew that David and Eddy was following me. They underestimated me big time. I seen them sitting waiting for me as soon as I got on the bus. Once I begin walking in the woods and knoticed them following me I was shocked to see Eddy walking also. So he had keep up with physical therapy I see. I was happy for him and wanted to cheer but I had to stay focus but now as I stood here with my gun pointed at him I couldn't help but be extremely happy that he was here standing before me although I was going to give them hell and pretend as if I was annoyed that they had followed me. They both had shocked looks on there faces. Probably thought I was going to shoot them.

"Bang." I said and they sighed as they dropped there arms and shook there heads. "That's what the fuck y'all get for following me. Scary asses." I said as I stood in the doorway. I stared at Eddy and he stared back. "How long have you been able to walk?"

"A few weeks now."

"Didn't bother to tell me when I was there?"

"Didn't give me a chance." I stared at him good and hard then turned around and slammed the door in there faces.

"Really Bonnie." He said in disbelief.

"Go away."

"You can't do this alone." I swung the door open glaring at him ready to give him an ear lashing when he held his hands up. "What I meant was, you don't have to do this alone. Let me and David help you."

"Why should I?"

"Because we wanna help that's why. Can you let us in now?" Who was I kidding. I couldn't be mad at this man. I was too surprised at his walking to be upset right now.

"Come in." As soon as they stepped foot inside I slid my foot under Eddys and he stumbled forward catching himself.

"And why did you do that?"

"To see if you were good on your feet." I said smiling. "You should have told me you could walk we could have saved that whole conversation back at the house."

"I told him that." David said as he shook his head.

"Why didn't you stay?"

"You know why."

"Committing suicide isn't pertecting us its just creating more heartache."

"I'm not the one that going to be dying Mr." I went to grabbed a chair placing it beside him. "Sit down."

"I'm fine."

"We all know you're fine. Can you just sit down please?"

"Why?" I didn't respond and he sighed sitting down. "I don't need to sit..."

"Shut up." I said as I straddled him. "Close your eyes David."

"Don't worry imma give y'all some privacy. You have a few minutes." He said as he closed the door behind him.

"You should have told me you could walk."

"Would you had stayed?"

"The conversation would have definitely went definitely." I slid my hand under his shirt. "It's good to see you walking again."

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