Chapter 19

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It's been so long since I've seen or spoken to anyone other then David that I've lost count. I was so greatful for him taking me and putting me in protective custody but I was way over it now. I wanna say it's been a year or close to it. At least it felt that long. We had disappeared to a beautiful cottage that sat on a private beach. The next house was miles away from here. He told me that he bought the land and had this place built for him and him only. Other then him I was the only one that knew about it. It was so beautiful that it would be a great vacation spot only if I had Eddy with me. He had told me he loved me when I spoke to him. That felt so long ago. I wondered if he felt the same. He probably thought I was dead. I was in such bad shape when David came to the hospital. The doctors thought I would die if he were to take me but I had to take that chance. I couldn't bare if anyone was hurt because of me. So in order to protect my new found family I had to disappear and let them think that I died. I knew Brandy was hurting. It was like I could feel her pain but this was only to protect her and everyday I had to keep reminding myself of that. Everyday was a struggle not only physically but mentally also. I ached to tell them that I was fine but I knew that I couldn't. I wondered how she would react once she found that I was alive and well? I sighed.

"Thinking so loud woman." I looked over at David who smiled at me.

"I just miss everyone."

"I know you do. I can see it all in your face."

"Do you miss them?" I asked needing to spark up a conversation so that I wouldn't think so much.

"I do." I gave a crooked smile.

"It don't sound as if you do."

"I've become good at hiding my feelings. Even though I mean what I say my expression doesn't show it."

"I've learned that about you. But when you were there did you go see your family?"

"Only one I seen was Eddy. I know he told them that he had seen me but it seemed no one cared that I was there." He suddenly looked sad but quickly recovered.

"Well maybe if you would have showed your face they could expressed that they missed you."

"I doubt anyone misses me. I disappeared on them years ago without any explanation."

"How old where you when you left?"

"The first time was when I was eighteen. I came back for almost a year then left again."

"That was the last anyone has seen you since?" I asked suprised.

"No. I would pop up for about a day or two then leave again. The last time I seen anyone was almost four years now other then when I seen Eddy."

"But why?" I asked curious.

"I have my reasons." He said looking down.

"It's a secret?" I asked and he looked up really thinking about that question.

"No. I guess it's not. I just never speak on it I guess."

"Mind speaking on it now? Tell me your story Sargent." He smiled despite the sadness in his eyes.

"I like to think my life was a happy one until I turned eighteen. I feel maybe at the age of eighteen I may have been a bit dramatic about the situation but it still bothers me till this day. To the point where I felt I wasn't worthy enough for this family."

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