Chapter 10

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I watched as Eddy brung his bag in. I'm glad Brandy practically forced me to ask him to stay with me. I could use the company. Maybe it would help me keep my mind off the fact that my rapist found me. I had called out from work for today to go make him a house key and make sure he made himself at home. I can admit this was still a little ockward but I'd suck it up. I really did appreciate him doing this.

"So why are you the only one that doesn't own a house when your family is rich?" I asked.

"My family is rich not me. I tend to be to odd ball when it comes to that part of my family."

"I see." He pulled his bag towards the livingroom. "Where are you going?"

"This is a one bedroom house."

"I know that." I waited for him to continue.

"So I figured I'd sleep on the couch." I placed my hands on my hips.

"As if we're not sleeping together already Eddy. I made room in my closet. Bring your ass." Laughing he followed behind me. "I wanted to thank you again for staying for a while."

"No problem. And we're going to catch this guy Bon. I promise." I smiled. I sure hoped so. Getting a rapist off the street would be great. "Can you tell me what happened? Please." I sighed.

"I was rapped. Three men were there. One of them ran away. I was knocked out before they rapped me. The nurse that was caring for me took a rape kit and told me that I was rapped. But of course they got off. I had no proof. And I was a woman in a male dominate place. Who was going to believe me anyway?"

"What about the rape kit?"

"The nurse said she was wrong about the rape. I knew someone threatened her or something. She threw away the only proof I had." I sighed. "These three men were my friends. They befriended me the first day I came into the army."

"What were they're names?"

"Rider Smith. Dillan Parker and Johnny Anderson. Johnny is the one that ran. But I don't know if he came back to help them." I took a deep breath.

"They were white men?"

"Two white one hispanic. Johnny was so young. A kid. I trusted him the most out of all of them. I seen him like a little brother." I sighed again. "Im still so confused as to how he could betray me like this. We actually entered the army the same day. We went through training together. I tried to rake my brain as to what I did wrong. What did I miss but nothing."

"That's because you did nothing wrong. No man has the right to valuate you like they did. At no point in time gave them the right to hurt you in anyway." I sat on the bed looking up at him.

"How do you feel about me now that you know?"

"I don't see you no differently Bon. You had no control over this. I know some men would probably judge because of what happened to you but I don't. I have three sisters and I would kill any man that would harm them in such a way. Now I have you Yolanda and Brandy into the mix. If anything happened to you three I would kill the person that harmed yall. Those men will get whats coming to them. I promise." He had no idea how much his words ment to me. It was like I could finally relax because for once in my life since childhood I felt as if someone could finally protect me for once. Thank God.

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