Chapter 20

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It's been a week since David had called Eddy and I'd say it motivated me to do something about Dillan. But what?

"You've been extra quit this week." David said as he came up behind me.

"I've been thinking. A lot."

"About going back to Eddy?" He asked.

"Yes. And how angry I am at myself for allowing Dillan to scare me to the point where I literally put my life on pause. And I'm just here sitting. Waiting. I feel the only one that will be able to catch this man is me."

"We can't risk your life."

"I'm not asking you to. I'm doing it myself."

"Well I can't allow that."

"Why not?"

"I promised Eddy that I would keep you safe."

"Call him and I'll talk to him. I'll tell him that this is my decision and not you or him are going to stop me." He sighed.

"You know I'll stay at your side. I won't allow you to do this alone."

"Good. I can use all the help. But it's been time for me to get off my ass and do something about this guy. I can't allow him to scare me any longer."

"What's the plan cadet?" He asked me making me smile. As much as the army gave me bad memories I appreciated the training I had got.

"It's been a while since I've shot a gun. Target practice?"

"I know the perfect spot." He said walking away. I followed excited to finally being able to do something. If they didn't catch Dillan before I caught him then I was going to kill his ass. Tit for tat.

I forced myself to be patient and we refreshed my training for a month. It all just came to me as if it never left. Especially target practice. I was going to use Dillan head for a target next.

"I know I asked this one million times. But are you sure about this Bonnie? He can actually seceded with killing you this time."

"And I can seceded at killing him to. It's a fifty chance for both of us. I'll take it. Now the question is where is he?"

"Good question. We haven't set eyes on him since he tried to kill you. He is great at hiding. Amazing at it actually. We have no idea where he is."

"Let's go home. I know how to get him to come out from hiding."


"Let's pay Rider a visit." He smiled when he got my drift. I was going to show Rider I was alive and well. I prayed he slipped up and contacted Dillan." Three days later we were stepping foot on Florida grounds. I sighed taking a deep breath. It felt so good to be back.

"This is your home now huh?" David asked. I looked over at him smiling.

"It's all on my face isn't it?"

"It is." He said smiling.

"I never thought I would love a place so much."

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