Chapter 3

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I was at the bar when I got another call. A few of them was Eddy witch I ignored. This call was from Brandy. I wondered if I should ignore this one also. Sighing I answered.


"Where are you?"

"Out having a few drinks." I knew I was tipsy because I begin to slur my words.

"What bar are you at?"


"Because I'm worried dammit. Now tell me where you are."

"Okaay mom." I told her where I was and she hung up without saying bye. Rude. I was on my second shot since she called. I watched as she entered the door. I made it a point to sit where I can see who was coming in and out. I was tipsy but knew what I was doing. Or so I thought. She shook her head at me once she spotted me. "Hey girl. Want a drink?" I asked as she sat next to me.

"No I'm driving. And so are you. You're not driving your car home I hope you know that."

"Fine I'll walk." I was not arguing with her.

"No I'm taking you. So let's go." She grabbed my arm but I pulled away from her. She sighed. "Why are you drinking?"

"Just whining down. Haven't you ever done that before?"

"Yeah. When I was depressed."

"Well im not depressed."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Very sure." I lied. "Bartender." I called him over.

"You're at your limit ma'am." The bartender said. "You're clearly drunk. You should let your friend take you home."

"Look at you acting like my father now. Mom and dad." I said sarcastically. .

"Imma whoop your ass like your mother to. Keep playing with me." I looked at her then bust out laughing.

"Girl please. We both know you have no chance with kicking my ass. I'll throw you and him across this room. Stop playin with me." She sighed.

"Whatever. I just wanna make sure you get home safely. Can you please come with me?"

"You don't need to worry about me."

"Well I am dammit." She snapped. "Get up. Lets go." Not wanting this to get out of hand I said.

"Okay fine."

"Good. I'm taking you home."

"I have my car."

"Your car will be here in the morning. You need to sleep off this alcohol." She grabbed my arm. "I'm driving you home. As a matter of fact you're coming back to my place so that I can keep an eye on you for the night."

"I don't need a babysitter."

"Just come on." She helped me to her car and I damn near fell into the passenger seat. I turned on the ac and laid my seat back. Sleep was now calling my name. "Your car will be safe until the morning. Let me see your key to make sure the doors are locked." I felt as she dug into my pockets but I couldn't react. Once we got to her place she woke me.

"Bonnie." She shook me.

"I'm up." She helped me to the door where Nancy appeared at. I smiled at her.

"Hey pip squeak." I laughed at my own joke. "Doesn't she look like a pip squeak?" I continued to laugh.

"Don't mind her she's drunk." Brandy said.

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