Chapter 4

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Arny POV

It's late in the afternoon and I guess I should finally get up. I am not a morning person as you may have guessed but that works for me. I have to stream later but I need to check and make sure everything is packed for Katsucon. I am going to meet up with Pete, Danny, and William. I'm not sure if anyone else is coming but I'm sure we'll find others to bother. I think Pete said he was meeting an internet friend for the first time so that should be interesting. I get showered, dressed, and order food before going to record some tiktoks. I find recording to be fun and being able to make some people's day while making others simp for me is kind of cool. I decided on my 18th birthday I would drink my potion simply because if I was to find them one day, especially at a con I would tease them. I am pretty good at making people shy and for some reason that is entertaining for me so I do it more but no luck yet. My birthmarks are stitches which I love because I am a huge fan of the movie Nine and they remind me of that. They are on my wrist and upper arms. I was going to get a tattoo of them but since it will change when I meet my soulmate I won't have to. Danny is the only one who has already found his soulmate which is pretty cool. His birthmark was a werewolf and William's birthmark are crossed swords. My food finally arrives so I decided to get comfortable and call Danny.

"Well hello Arny"

"Hey, have you eaten today?"

"No, I have not actually"

"Well we're having a date so grab something to eat" 

I change the lights in my room to a light blue to set the mood.

"Date huh? Romantic, but I have no food. I would have to make something"

"Well take me with you and cook, I'll wait to eat with you" 

He smiles and laughs but grabs his phone and sets it up while he looks through the fridge for something to make.

"What do I owe the honor of this date?"

"I'm breaking the soulmate rule and I will win you over instead" I say with a grin. 

"You always had me darling" 

He finally found something he wanted to make and started cooking.

"Really? So which one of us is moving because long distance is not going to work forever"

"We have to both move, I hate it here but Florida has too much going on with alligators and crazy bugs"

"You think of where we are going to move and I will follow you my love"

"In all seriousness, do you think anyone ever had two soulmates?"

"I don't know, maybe they have a main soulmate but several true loves. Including you, I have four true loves. We should all buy a huge mansion one day and live in it"

"I think we would all kill each other. Between actually hurting each other, trauma jokes, and our kinks I think we would drive each other crazy"

"Shall we...start an alliance"

"We shall, we will officiate it at Katsucon"

"I'm excited, I miss everyone"

"I haven't jumped on anyone in a while so this will be great"

"It should, I know Pete is excited as well. He is meeting this gamer girl he's been friends with for a few years"

"Is it his soulmate?"

"No, she told him they don't have matching birthmarks. He doesn't know what she looks like, just how she sounds"

"This should be interesting. Hopefully she gets along with us, I think she is coming alone"

"That's no fun, cons can be a lot when by yourself. We'll make the most of is it to already know who your soulmate is"

He finishes cooking, grabs his food and me, and heads upstairs. He goes back to get something to drink, set things up, and then looks at the camera.

"You can finally eat and to answer your question, it is a lot at first. You don't know what to do or how to react, especially if it is not someone you already know. When you are close to your soulmate you feel extremely hot and it almost drives you crazy. From what I heard it is slightly easier for women to manage the temperature change so sometimes they will avoid their soulmate or not acknowledge they have found them because it is a bit scary but it can only last for so long because the tension between you two will be so strong. The birthmarks don't turn to tattoos unless they are visible and in some way you are touching them. Luckily for me and my partner, our tattoos were in easily exposed places so simply hugging them turned ours. When you touch them it feels electrifying and you are hit with an extremely intense emotion. It is different for each person. It can be love, becoming emotional like happy tears, happiness, fear, even lust. I felt really happy and she was emotional. I can't wait until all of you meet your soulmates because it is amazing"

I start eating with Danny and taking in everything he said. 

"Wow, that sounds like a lot. I'm not sure I want to be all in love and stuff. I won't rush it but hopefully, you all will be around me. I'm used to making jokes about being the teasing boyfriend and making fun of them but actually finding someone I like I am not sure how I will react"

"Not my Arny becoming shy? Not even I have been able to bring this side out of matter what I will always be there for you. I am only a phone call away and who knows, maybe they will be at Katsucon"

We finish eating and talk about video games, our cosplays, and what other activities we are going to do while there. This weekend is going to be amazing.

A/N: I don't remember which con it was Brandon went to with them but we are going to pretend it was Katsucon, this is not a true story anyway so it's fine. Thanks again for reading my story and I hope you are enjoying it so far. Please vote, add to your library and/or comment if you have tips on how to make this story better. I appreciate each and every one of you and I will see you next time.

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